Airman 1st Class
Hi folks,
maybe a bit off topic, but also interesting.
A new eek has started and here in Lower Saxony the Summerholdays will be over in a week. During the summer holidays the City of Hannover has a programm for kids who are not traveling and has to stay at home. Now in the 9th year my model club ( Verein der Plastikmodellbauer Hannover ) is supporting this program. We had on 17th and 31st of July 22 / 17 kids kids between 10-14 years and in both events and 1/3 of the kids were girls.
SO here some photos during and after the build :
And these activities couldnt happen if Revell wouldnt give us the kits and acessoires for free.
maybe a bit off topic, but also interesting.
A new eek has started and here in Lower Saxony the Summerholdays will be over in a week. During the summer holidays the City of Hannover has a programm for kids who are not traveling and has to stay at home. Now in the 9th year my model club ( Verein der Plastikmodellbauer Hannover ) is supporting this program. We had on 17th and 31st of July 22 / 17 kids kids between 10-14 years and in both events and 1/3 of the kids were girls.
SO here some photos during and after the build :
And these activities couldnt happen if Revell wouldnt give us the kits and acessoires for free.