The Japanese "versions" of the Me 262 and the Me 163 were inspired but completely built on there own. Hense the slightly different look and design. Examples here are some pics of the German and Japanese versions of them to see the difference in the designs.
Specifically look at the tail of the Me 262 compared to the Kikka and then the cockpit and nose of the Me 163 compared to the J8 M.
I should have clarified that Japanese variants of ME-262 and -163 were designed and built from versions of the -262 and -163 that were sent to Japan. Just like the present day JASDF F-2, which from the outside looks like an F16, but is built from designs and technology sharing between Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and GD. I got a chance to look at an F-2 during a weekend cross-country a few years ago up to Misawa AB for some ACM with the USAF Viper drivers. I akin the F-2 and F-16 to the FA-18 Hornet and Super Hornet. The F-2 has a 25% larger wing area and is a little taller in the tailplane and has a wider intake.
Thanks for the pics.