
  1. We missed Mudpuppy's Birthday yesterday

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEREK!!!!! I hope you had a great day sir and Merry Christmas to! And WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN??
  2. On this day, one hundred years ago...

    Was the famous "Christmas Truce" of 1914 World War I Christmas Truce of 1914: What Really Happened
  3. T Bolt's Birthday...

    My best wishes, Glenn. Have a great day !!! 100 lat, 100 lat, 100 lat !!! :occasion5:
  4. It's seesul's Birthday!

    Happy Birthday, Roman!! I hope it's a great day for you!! :occasion5:

    Happy Birthday Waroff and have a great day. Geo
  6. M

    me 262 attacks

    iwas wondering when the 262 hsd its most sucseful day and the day they had more than a handful up god only knows what would of happened if they manage to get up a hundrd or so at one time against the bomber streams

    Happy B-Day Dave. Have a great day. Come back soon, you are missed. Geo

    Happy B-Day NFN. Have a great day. Geo
  9. Omaka Open Day

    We had a bit of a quieter open day last weekend, so this time I managed to get a few photos taken.
  10. Happy Birthday to B-17engineer!!

    Happy Birthday, H!! Hope you have a great day! :occasion5:
  11. Warbirds Open Day, September 28th, Ardmore.

    Gidday everyone. Here are some photographs taken during a special Warbirds Open Day held at Ardmore Airfield in the New Zealand Warbirds hangar. The focus of the day was a series of guest speakers, but a number of warbirds were also present for closer inspection. One of the highlights of the...
  12. T-28C Crashes at VIR

    I don't know how to begin this so I will just give a quick overview of events. My boss and I and a friend of his went to Virginia International Raceway for the day. He ran his car and I spent the day taking photos of the 80 participants on this track day. Had a great time. We were packing...
  13. Thanks you for all the good wishes, Connie has been laid to rest

    Firstly, thank you each and everyone for your condolences and wishes. The number of them was surprising, each of them means a lot to us. Annie’s mum has been laid to rest, last Tuesday afternoon, she was 87. Many people were there, family and friends, some from her childhood. It’s been hard...
  14. Typhoon Patrol 1944

    Title: Typhoon Patrol 1944 Year Created: 2008 Medium: Oil on canvas Size Width: 70 cm Size Height: 50 cm Size Depth: 2 cm Price: Not for Sale Description: This is a commissioned work painted for a third party who wished to gift it to Flt Lt Derek Lovell RAF (ret. He flew...