
  1. Is New Zealand choosing a new....

    ...flag? Saw it on the news here, it's to be done by March next year....
  2. Kurt Knispel....

    This might be old news here, but I just came across it.... 2013: TIGER IN THE TANK – Historians Find Body Of German War Hero Kurt Knispel
  3. More sad news Precious Metal (P-51) is dead

    :cry: Just had this come across my news feed: Looks like its the end of the line for Precious Metal.
  4. Hunter crashes at shoreham airshow

    Sad news as casualties are involved. 'Casualties' as airshow plane crashes into cars on A27 at Shoreham - BBC News
  5. Bad news from New Zealand

    WW2 German fighter crashes at air show: WW2 German fighter crashes at air show - National - NZ Herald News
  6. For the new crew....

    Breaking News
  7. Memphis Belle to Bogus Belle?

    I'm not making this news, just reporting it. Anyone seen this before? Memphis Belle vs. Hot Stuff: How history came to celebrate the wrong WWII airplane - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona
  8. best kind of frame for news paper??

    i have a couple news papers i want to finally get around to framing. i guess i need to showcase the entire front page as the article takes up almost 3/4s of it. plus there are autographs on it that extend down below the top half. so i have a couple questions: is there a good frame that will...
  9. Messerschmitt Bf109E coming to the UK !

    An announcement in the January 2015 edition of 'Fly Past' magazine confirms that Platinum Fighter Sales have sold the former Russel Group (Canada) Bf109-E4, Wk Nr3579 'White 14', to an anonymous buyer, and that it will be coming to the UK. Sad news for Canadian and US fans, but great news for...