
  1. Development of BAE Hawk

    Might be worth looking at, the 120 page pdf:

    The site will be down for maintenance this Friday 10AM Eastern time (UTC -5). Moving to new server Switching forum software to XenForo Proper HTTPS support Other tweaks and site cleanup Downtime to last a few hours There will be a Maintenance Page which will provide updates as...
  3. My New Website and Facebook Page

    Hi All, I have finally completed (for the most part) my new website and Facebook page. These sites will be a work in progress so please have a look and let me know what you think by posting your comments on both sites. Website: twis-first-cut The armour section still needs a bit of work but...
  4. Script error in the header

    Just noticed this at the top of the page:
  5. Groups and Members -- 503 Error

    Anyone get error while trying to visit a members profile page or a group page?
  6. compatebility with FF?

    Sometimes the site does not work on my Firefox installation. This concerns mainly the pagination of threads. I can click on the numbers or the 'next' button, but it will stay on the first page. It's not alwasy the case and I'm not sure when it does have the problem and when it doesn't. Changing...
  7. Looking for Martin B-26 manual

    I've been digging around realized that there doesn't seem to be a manual for the Martin B-26. What I'm looking for, in particular, is page 563 (figure 534)... Anyone have this, by chance?
  8. best kind of frame for news paper??

    i have a couple news papers i want to finally get around to framing. i guess i need to showcase the entire front page as the article takes up almost 3/4s of it. plus there are autographs on it that extend down below the top half. so i have a couple questions: is there a good frame that will...
  9. Handley Page Halifax

    Notice cross of Lorainne. In french service.
  10. INVESTIGATION: Need Help

    Over on Facebook I came across a guy who claims he just bought Hartmann's Bf 109 along with a P-38. He made the claim that Hartmann flew over Belgium, etc. I asked him some questions and checked his FB page where he is claiming he bought these aircraft along with going after a Bf 109K. Anybody...
  11. Interesting Forum Statistics

    A while back, I accidently came across this page and then forgot how I got there, well, I found it again! This page contains forum statistics in regards to "hottest threads", "likes", "bacon" and more. It's pretty interesting to see what thread is the most active or which thread has the...
  12. Help regarding Focke Wulf Fw190A-5/U8

    I am about to start building a Focke Wulf Fw190A-5/U8. To 'get in the mood' I looked at Richard Franks new book, but it shows on page 29 that this aircraft used 'Junkers' racks for the drop tanks, yet on page 135 it shows 'Messerschmitt' racks. Can anyone advise, which is correct?::confused...