
  1. tomo pauk

    Conformal fuel tanks for ww2 planes?

    The thread about the Bf 110's belly thank got me thinking - how useful would be to have conformal fuel tanks on combat aircraft of ww2 era? The Spitfire used slipper tanks (my idea being to install the s-s lining on the inside of 30 or/and 45 gal tank, so they will not be a fire hazard any more...
  2. tomo pauk

    Anybody plays/played 'Victory at sea'?

    A PC real-time naval simulation, placed in ww2. I'd appreciate the feedback. Link: Victory at Sea Game | World War 2 Naval Combat
  3. V

    USN VF-16 Information

    Hello all, I'm new to this particular website, but I have been searching the internet intensely this last year for information about a relative's time serving in the USN during WW2. He flew PBYs and later on, PB4Y-1s with VB-104. Anyway, I have another distant relative, George E...
  4. S

    The Best Propeller Aircraft of WW2

    In your opinion, the best performing aircraft of WW2. Not the most iconic, or your favorite, but the best PERFORMING WW2 prop aircraft. I define a WW2 aircraft by seeing a decent amount of service. So an aircraft such as the Spitfire Mk. 21, won't be included, despite scoring a submarine kill...
  5. ian lanc

    Can anyone identify this wartime helmet ??

    Son got this helmet yesterday and stumped as to what type it is! So far I know its NOT English/Canadian/Japanese/Korean/Chinese. If you look closely the pressed lip around the helmet is on the lower edge ? This is the problem! Any good guess's please ?? Is it WW1 WW2 - postwar ...
  6. gumbyk

    This'll bring a tear to your eye...

    View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKFE90sWqx8 Post WW2 B-17's used for target practice...
  7. E

    WW2 Speed Measurement

    Hi guys, How did Second World War aircraft measure speed? I always assumed the Americans and British would use miles per hour and the Germans use kilometres per hour but I recently read something that suggested airspeed was measured in knots? I'm interested to know - specifically what...
  8. W

    US jet engine development without WW2?

    If there was not a WW2, say Hitler dies of a heart attack or something like that pre-1939, how long would it take the US to develop jet engines without British assistance? They were pretty behind compared to the Europeans and needed British developments to jump start their own program in 1943.
  9. manthos

    maj atlee manthos bio and ww2 photo collection

    my name is dan manthos and my father flew mustangs over germany in ww2. last summer i put together a photo biography of him that may be found here: LT COL ATLEE G MANTHOS he took several beautiful color slides of aircraft during the 40's that have been sitting in the bottom of a...
  10. syscom3

    The Willy Victors

    Now that I have your attention; I came across this website about the EC-121's (known in naval parlance as "WV-2's") in naval use in the post WW2 years. The Willy Victor Group
  11. gumbyk

    Can you match this!

    some guy has modelled EVERY type that saw service during WW2! Holtgrewe WWII Model Collection | The Museum of Flight
  12. P

    Last air combats of ww2

    While I was looking for some info for ANZAC day comming up in April ( 100 years this year), I came across some conflicting reports about the final air battles of WW2. While you could probably assume that the last encounters were between the handfull of remaining Me 262's and the FW Ta 152, I...
  13. syscom3

    Another WW2 airmen survival movie

    I just found out about this movie. Looks good!!!! Against The Sun
  14. Johnny Signor

    WW2 Facebook page for Navy flying emblem now up .........

    I just put up a new Facebook page on WW2 Navy flying unit emblems, all types and hundreds to view , types and catagories , be sure to check the "comments" under each type as there's lot there to view ,just type the title below on your FB search bar , enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "WW2 Navy flying...
  15. le_steph40

    Last WW2 Italian Ace Luigi Gorrini

    Hello, Maybe already posted... The last Italian WW2 Ace Luigi Gorrini passed away on 8 November aged 97. Credited with 19 victories (24 for other sources). After the war, he was a friend of numerous other Aces like A. Galland, R. Stanford-Tuck, P. Townsend, J. Steinhoff and many others. He had...
  16. P

    Proudly made in France

    The following link provides a full report with lots of photos and information about one of the most famous fighter aircraft of all time and certainly one of the most important to France in WW2. I hope you enjoy and I count on your visit! Aviação em Floripa: Morane-Saulnier M.S.406
  17. Tracker

    Energizing the Younger Generation

    Great way to get the younger generation interested and energized. Build them a WW2 replica. Pictured: The World War II replica PLANE built by retiree as a gift to his two grandsons | Daily Mail Online
  18. syscom3

    "Unbroken" - a WW2 film coming in December

    Looks good. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8mBzKLhL0U
  19. J

    Specific use of Nylon in WW2 two-seater Bomber plane cockpits

    I was wondering if there was a specific use of nylon in two-seater bomber planes in WW2 specifically protecting the pilots or if anything in the cockpit utilizes nylon. Not looking for anything related to flak jackets, ropes, ties, helmets, more so the plane. Thank you
  20. P

    Help with identification please (possibly Lancaster)

    Hi, I apologise if this is not the correct place to post this query (I am new to this Forum). I came across this part in the attic of my late Father's house. He was an RAF navigator on one in WW2 this is why I think it might be from a Lancaster. It has a part number D109432 (G54) so I am...