1:1 KG13 grip\control stick

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Maybe a plumbing fitting, cut vertically and adapted as required, might go some way to recreate the housing?

That is a cracking idea.

But I have started already, making it from sheet copper. I had to make a tool to form the copper around but it's not been too bad.

I was amusing myself with thoughts of how the originals were probably made - guillotined from thin steel, cleaned up with a file or grinding wheel, then stamped in a press. Maybe ten or fifteen minutes from start to finish.

In the time it will take me to make one I bet the original manufacturers could have made fifty :D
Good stuff mate! Thinking along Terry's lines, maybe a local factory near you has some surplus winch control switches (or similar) - might save you a bit of work..?
Good stuff mate! Thinking along Terry's lines, maybe a local factory near you has some surplus winch control switches (or similar) - might save you a bit of work..?

I live in the back of beyond as well ;) - maybe not exactly, but there isn't much industry here, it's all grapes and olive farming. The pushbuttons aren't actually too much of a problem, it doesn't take too long to machine them from scratch now I have the process worked out and I can make them look quite realistic.
It seems that there are two types, one which is black anodised aluminium and another that appears to be bakelite going by the reddish colour.

Chunk - I am on Facebook, but I haven't put anything about the build on there yet. So whatever you are following isn't me :D

Tomorrow is much more filing and some brazing. It's a good job I love metalworking and modelling :D
I think I have the grip pattern sorted out now - in theory at least. I have some fine mesh material intended for use as a flyscreen - experimenting with it I have found it can be glued to a surface with either cyano or epoxy and stretches enough to conform to compound curves.

I have to be a motorcycle mechanic for the next couple of days though, my older friends grandson is visiting and I have to get his two ancient and neglected dirt bikes running so they can have some fun in the mountains on them. Luckily I like working on bikes just as much as I like machining ;)
My apologies Siddley. I'm following a page called Jäger-Stick. My confusion for the erroneous post.

No need for apologies, it's an interesting project - very different to my old school approach

Got both the dirt bikes running so it's back to toiling in the control grip mines tomorrow :D
Finally some progress to report. And a better picture.
Brazed together from three pieces of copper, now I have to get the filing and hammer marks out of the surface, shape the ends of the tabs where it attaches and drill holes for the screws.

If anyone is considering building a replica KG13 grip and needs one of these button holders making then don't hesitate to contact ANYONE ELSE EXCEPT ME :D
Seriously, it wasn't too bad, but sheet metal work isn't my strongest skill.

Cheers Wurger !

Drilled and shaped the tabs and gave it several coats of paint 'dusted' on to build up a surface I can rub back down. Sort of a cheapo primer\filler, it works OK on metal bits and bobs like this.

I'll post another picture when I have the pushbutton made and fitted.

I already feel like I have built the entire aircraft and all I've got so far is a half finished control grip :D
I thought the next logical thing to do was add the checkering to the grip, because it'll affect how I fit the button holder thingy.
I wasn't looking forward to this job, but it turned out a bit easier than I hoped, and l'm very happy with how it looks.
What I did was use a flyscreen mesh superglued to the surface of the grip. It was a bit tricky to get it to conform to the curves so I had to do it one section at a time, stretch it out and glue the next area. It's two seperate pieces so there is a seam at the front and back, but that is the same as the original.

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