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Change of plan. I've made the rear of the wing centre section both sides as well as the leading edges on the centre section. Its easily strong enough to stand on


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Wow! ... It is a big project !!, and have enough space to carry it out. It was very interesting and still lacking enough!
I congratulate you again Jeff for your efforts to achieve this; It is very serious !!

Saludos cordiales amigo, hasta UK

Luis Carlos
Thanks everyone. Its coming along nicely until today..... Got the cowling sorted out and the bottom of the screen. Also the canopy rail on the port side. Problem is that the canopy is too short by a good 6". Looks like I've got some work to do tomorrow


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Tail wheel leg is now made, a little bit of work to finish on it but you get the idea. The canopy rails are almost finished but having trouble sliding the canopy. And the escape door is rested in place


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