Thanks gents,
Ok, I got the camera charged and a couple of recent progress pics.
The "Danger" flap on the IFF completed. The body is actually still in undercoat primer, not red as it appears. The label flap is bright red.
Panel work. The temporary panel is out of 3mm hardboard. It is OK for test fitting but too weak for the final product. We will draw a detailed measured plan off this and send it for laser cutting in 3mm aluminium.
The real plan here is difficult to get cut because it is in Imperial (and everybody here speaks that metric crap these days) and the gauges from Flight Illusion are slightly different size to some of the real ones. It was a useful guide though.
And my temp:
The Blind Flying Panel cut out is also not quite right but the coreldraw plan for cutting will have it marked correctly and the BFP covers it anyway.
And finally, the reason I gave up making aircraft models…a very frustrating night spent masking, painting, stripping, repainting etc the gunsight buldbs….until I was ready to smash them for the untidy edges…..THEN I found a few pictures of real ones
And they have untidy edges anyway. So here they are, finished for better or worse.
This weekend is hopefully to be spent assembling and truing up the fuselage section.
Any one who would like copies of the cockpit photos I took of the Mk 22 on last weekend, please PM me and I'll organise it.