1/144 Trumpeter Shenyang F-8II(M)

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Thank you Wojtek your pms back and forth helped me cement what I am supposed to cut and what not to

This is all that was provided via this side for the radar, so I'll scratch something at the bottom of the box

A Before with the other fuselage section:

and After with it cut at the appropriate section, I'll see about adding that black and white sprue portion to seal the gap, or scratch build a piece to fit as a separating section from the radar.

Still have the interior of the radar to make and another piece to separate the cockpit from the radar interior wall.

On a detour, some cockpit scratch building.
Photos taken off a J-8F and J-8IIM :

very similar instruments, the entire layout of the cockpit appears the same, light blue for the walls of the fighter and black for everything below on the panels. I'm assuming the ejection seat is also black, but I'll have to dig through to see if I can't find any more photos of a direct ejection seat that was used in this fighter. So far the instrument panel is made out of sprue and painted black with adjacent dials. Very small work and I'm really pleased that it turned out ok for the first coat.

Thanks all for checking in
Looking good. But these fuslage walls should be made thinner at the area of the radar section. I think walls should be thinner at about a half .
I think it should look like in this pic below. Your image posted for comparison at the bottom.

It should be...

It is...

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(It currently looks like the after photo Yes I will be using the sprue (the black and white section) and glueing one to the front and one to the section where the cockpit is located. So it can be thiner I'll post some pictures once I'm done,

I might shave the walls on the upper and lower section of the fuselage a little at the joining joint of the inner walls, depends how the inner wall will fit once I scratch it

Thank you Wojtek for helping me out, your info. is always awesome

I'll probably dremel it later on, havn't attached the two sections just yet I want to make all the measurements first before putting it together so those walls will get thinned! Promise
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Just a small update so far been busy studying for exams

Thinned out the sides a little, I think it looks good compared to the previous thickness,

I'll attach these soon, have to figure out what else I'd like to do to customize the cockpit a little, more work on the radar section is needed as well and inner walls of this area need fabricating.

Thanks for checking this out and any comments
Thank you all for your kind comments it is greatly appreciated

I hope I am successful in completing this project

Tonight, late night hour made out to be the perfect time to cut the canopy (it is a 1 piece canopy, if you wanted to make the canopy open, you have to cut it ) Since I want to have everything open, I thought why not make the canopy open, as an example the picture below of Shenyang F-8s in maintenance.

I'm having trouble narrowing down the interior colors, but it appears like there is a black on the interior of the canopy, I know from other photos that the interior of the cockpit is a greyish blue, depending on the machine, could this have come out black in these photos? I guess more investigation will be needed

I told myself if I failed here I might as well hang up and walk away from this model, here are the results



Really pleased with how it turned out had to cut it at a slight angle, since the canopy is a bit slanted on the edge, not straight down was a slow process to cut the piece, but better slow and steady to make it successful
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Wow its been a year of tough studies but I've got to get back in "the swing" of things and complete some models! this little one is on my to do list and needs to get done

Will do some update shots soon
Thank you all for the kind comments so far its been a huge heat wave here and with no ac, have to do things sparingly. I've recently found an excellent resource that showed the ENTIRE front Radar with a special treat as well, I'll be using this for the project and will hopefully have something rigged by next week.

Apart from that, I looked at the kit and thought, well when the aircraft is parked or under maintenance, it always has it's rear tail fin folded (my understanding is that the tail fin is folded on the ground and during taxing. When it starts up and is in flight, it is extended as you can see with this Shenyang F-8IIM coming in for landing, I've highlighted the tail fin portion:

The kit only comes with the extended option:

With two pairs of additional side fins attached to the main fin. I can't find that this is on the variants of the 8-IIM, if during the build I find a clearer shot of the tail I'll scratch these parts a new, since they have to be removed to be able to cut the tail fin section in the ground position:

another reference photo from the Museum Shenyang (the first prototype)with the tail fin tucked:

My next step was to place the instrument panel in the proper position, after a couple hours of fighting with the position, it sat in nicely:

I then debated (and still am to some point) so would love your opinions on the subject:

The conundrum at hand is this, to display the radar, wires etc of the front nose section I can keep it as is, or expand to another panel (as I found a detailed and nice reference for this section), this would involve cutting some more plastic away as such:

It would come very very close to the instrument panel,

and would require removal of one section of the seat support rest (which won't be used):

I'm keen on attempting this but it is a one shot, one go, it'll either fail or succeed and I'm curious to what the other members of our forum think? attempt or just avoid and keep it as is.

Thank you all for your comments,


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