1/16 Aluminium F4U Corsair

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Generalfeldmarschall zur Luftschiff Abteilung
Came across this article...simply amazing, and in aluminium no less!

Photo captions:
1) This 1:16 scale model is all aluminum and complete to the smallest detail. Formerly classified military manuals from WWII provided all the detail Dr. Park needed to construct each part.
2) Some of the control mechanisms in the cockpit can be seen here. Notice also the rivet detail.
3) Inside the wing, the machine gun mechanism is typical of Dr. Park's attention to detail.


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He did a Mustang too if I remember right. The problem with stuff like this is it just makes me think:
1) I need to work more to make more money so I have more free time. or
2) Glue my hands together with crazy glue and give up modelling !

Very impressive none the less, I am in awe !
Very exacting work for sure. As much as I'm impressed by this kind of dedication to detail I'm just as easily impressed by straight-forward plastic modeling. I read the article associated with this aluminum Corsair and I've also read a lot about the plane itself. I do know that Vought and the Navy jointly developed a spot-welding method and applied it to the Corsair along with flush riveting. Does anyone know where the spot-welding was used? Common sense tells me everywhere there wasn't a need to disassemble components or gain access. I assume it was used on certain internal structures and such but I've yet to read if it was externally applied to certain skins and therefore visible. Just curious.
I posted a bunch of pictures for this plane and his P51 a couple of years ago.

Seeing them in person is a humbling experience. As I said before, there are craftsman and then there are artisans. This guy is an artist.

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