Hi again. It's taken me a bit longer than I'd hoped to get back into this build since the holidays. However I haven't been totally idle. Since then, I took the opportunity to do an audit of the remaining issues with a view to finishing the internal detailling of the fuselage sections.
With this in mind, I pulled all of the remaining parts for the insides and worked out what else needs to be scratch-built to complete this part of the build. Initially, I want to complete sections 5 6 of the fuselage, with section 6 being the rearmost section.
Section 6 is almost complete but section 5 needs almost complete detailling. Here are just some of the parts for these sections.
A. the metal doors assembled that isolate the rear gunner from the rest of the aircraft. Photo shows front and back. Handles will be added after painting.
B. Hydraulic resevoirs and pumps for section 5, which houses the dorsal turret.
C. Portable oxygen bottles and fire extingusher (modern?)
D. Trio of emergency air bottles and mounting brackets. Will eventually be placed inside the starboard wing next to the undercarriage bay.
Finally, the crew ladder, assembled with working hinged feet and hooks added on top.
To complete the detailling I realised that I needed some hand-held extinguishers, extra oxygen bottles with mesh holders and another hydraulic tank.
These were scratch-built from sprue, plastic rod, brass and lead wires, mesh and shaped wood with foil bands.
I started assembly with section 6 and the metal doors.
The montage shows them painted front and back , with handles added.
The tricky bit was installing them without having to cut the adjoining frames. After many test attempts, I finally succeeded in getting them in the right position. Unfortunately they are not working doors so I had to choose between open or shut. I went for shut, as they get lost when folded back. Here they are as seen from the rear turret and from the crew entry door. On the 2nd shot you can see the crew ladder top left. This is hung on brackets for the moment but will eventually be used outside the aircraft.
The next task was to assemble and paint 4 grab rails for the rear section. The plastic rod supplied was far too thick to fit the brackets and I had to substitute thinner rod.
These were easier to fit, being closer to the end fuselage frame and I'll end with a couple of shots of them in position.
The rest of the parts are at various stages of painting and when done, I'll get on to installing them along with some other major installations, such as the ammo tracks.
I've realised that I'm rapidly coming up to the 2nd anniversary of starting this build and am determined to get it finished this year, with the caveat that I can't let it get totally in the way of some other kits I want to build as well. We'll just have to see how it pans out.
Will post again when I've made more progress.