1/32 Tamiya Corsair II, 1836 Sqd, FAA

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Looking forward to this build Cory. Glad to see you are back in the swing of things.

As to your question on the underside colour, I went back over my old thread and also some notes that I took. As I said, I started with a coat of ModelMaster Sky Type S. To get the greyer version described as the US match, I then sprayed over the Sky coat using a very thin mix of Tamiya XF19 and Flat White. This was sprayed on in a patchy manner, allowing some of the Sky to show through. I then added a drop of black and then went over the panel lines. Admittedly, this was a bit of an improvisation and not something I would recommend to repeat as you could probably get the colour you want by mixing Sky Type S with a very light grey.
Top pic looks like the standard reflector sight. Bottom pic I'm not sure - overall it looks like the reflector sight, but the bulk, part of which is probably the mounting bracket, hints at the GSGS.
I've checked the few pics I have, and again, it's hard to tell, but if pushed, i'd say normal reflector sight.
With a fresh set of eyes the second photo definitely looks like it has a reflector gunsight of some sort, such as seen in this photo. You can see the glass setup above it.

Now I just have to find the differences between British and US Navy reflector sights.
I've found this page, which may be useful to other as well.


But basically from what I have been able to find it's virtually the same gunsight as with the kit but with a round piece of glass added, or some appear to be the same as what's in the kit.

EDIT: Actually, zooming in on this image seems to indicate that these are exactly the same as the US sights, which were based off of British sights.

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Good stuff Cory. That appears to be a US sight, similar in size and shape to the British Mk.III reflector sight.
It's possible that late-war RN Corsairs had the GSGS, as I seem to recall finding a pic when Andy did his build, but most pics seemed to show a reflector sight.
And yes, the American K-14 gyro sight was basically a licence-built British sight - same dimensions etc.
So even though I haven't updated, I haven't been idle. I'm almost at the point where I'll have to paint the cockpit in order to make any progress. I've clipped and shaped the wingtips, which went pretty well I think. I will need to make lights, and I'm thinking I'll use clear sprue for that. Now, that being said, I do not have future so I'm not sure how I'd really get the clear, unless there's something else I can use?

Another sticking point is what to do with the radio stuff on the side console. Since my last FAA Corsair I've read that in some ways the Corsair at the FAA Museum isn't trustworthy for the cockpit as it has some post-war stuff in it, so I'm not sure how to proceed there. Anyhow, I've finished some assembly for the cockpit, gear wells (which I'll paint before I close things up and not have to worry about masking since they're the bottom colour), and wing centre section as well as one landing gear.

My image hoster is being wonky so the pics aren't great, but they're not particularly crucial either.

Good progress Cory.
Do you mean the lights on the wings?
If so, there's a few ways to do this. If you can punch some clear plastic sheet to make the lens covers, ten first insert a piece of foil for the reflector. If this is a coloured lamp, paint the foila and, when dry, cement the clear part in place using OVA or Humbrol Klear Fix. Do this after painting the model.
Alternatively, fill the holes with PVA, let it set, when it will shrink back a bit, pant as required, then add more PVA, letting each application set, until it's flush with the wing surface. It'll dry clear. Again, do this after painting the model.
Humbrol Clear Fix tends to be better for a really clear effect Cory - I've used it loads of times, even on contured lights on the tip leading edge.

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