1/48 Eurofighter Typhoon Delta - Unofficial GB

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Thanks guys. It has been a slow and odd couple of days with not much time for modelling, though have managed to get the piping done on all three legs.

With the F-16 Tiger out of the way, time to sort out and finish the Eurofighter. Also thanks for looking in folks.

You wouldn't notice it with low visibility markings and such, but all the decals were applied yesterday.

Thanks Glenn and Terry.

Hope you windscreen part turns up from Revell soon Glen, I would have though you would have heard from them by now. If it was I'd be chasing them.

It's been a dull old day so I have been able to put more time in with the Eurofighter to the point that she is almost done. just need to get a dulling spray onto it, hopefully tomorrow, fix the canopy and were done.


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