Beautiful job....I just started using washes for panel lines and such but have yet to add thinned paints for exhaust stains and such (not that confident yet). I hope to add a compressor to my workbench soon to start attempting pre-shading.
For whatever it's worth, this being almost 10 years too late ...
First of all, beautifully made model!
I believe that the Squadriglias of Stormo 1 were 79, 81 and 88 (and maybe also 374) for Gruppo 6, and 71, 72 and 80 for Gruppo 17. Stormo 1 used the archer logo ("arciere").
The Squadriglias of Stormo 4, Gruppo 9, were 73, 96 and 95. The main logo for this Gruppo was a white prancing horse ("cavallino rampante").
The Squadriglias of Stormo 4, Gruppo 10, were 84, 90 and 91. The main logo for this Gruppo was a black prancing horse ("cavallino rampante").