It seems that life always interferes with this hobby!! Unfortunately everything else gets priority and that makes progress slow and me into a grumpy old codger!
The good news (for me at least) is that I got time at the bench in the last couple of days. Enough to make some solid forward progress and equally to screw something up. I managed to lay down some undercoat this afternoon as below.
So that was the forward progress - I added the undercarriage bracing covers, replaced the engine fairing panels I made, cleaned up various rough patches and panel lines. While I was painting the undercoat I thought to myself - "Why do the inner braces point backwards when they link to the opposite side forward of their position???"
That question then resulted in an extended period of alternately swearing and trying to work out what the hell went wrong. I double checked the instructions and I am almost certain that the part numbers are recorded back to front, with the LHS part number applied to the RHS spat and vice-versa. I could be wrong, but I know I was very careful to do each one separately from tree removal to gluing to the spat. Either way - the way they're attached is definitely wrong...
The red arrows point the direction the pieces should face and the orange lines indicate where the bracing wires should run - definitely wrong (arrgghhhh...
The question is - how to fix without destroying the undercarriage. At this time my solution is to cut the pieces off about half a millimetre up from their join to the UC and make the cut parallel to the angle of the end of the fairing. In theory - if I cut it clean and at the correct angle I should be able to swap them over. What can possibly go wrong
Might have to sleep on this one. I am still quite annoyed with myself on this one so it might be better to walk away for a bit rather than attempting a fix without thinking it through.
If anyone has other possible solutions I welcome them.
Thanks again for checking in on progress.