Thanks again for looking in gents and thank you again Wojtek, nothing like starting the day with a rollicking good laugh, you had my household in stiches.
Again it's been a good day but not without a couple of pitfalls. Decals have been applied though the first one has turned into a nightmare. There must have been something wrong with the setting solution as it reacted against the Long Life floor polish solution, turning the paint colour a milky shade. In the long run, the almost right colour returned as the solution dried out but it still left a mark or two where there was an overrun. This has not happened before and a fix is underway but I will have to wait and see what the outcome. Needless to say the solution was put to one side while further decaling was done but I omitted to putting the bottle cap on, subsequently I knocked the bottle over, spilling the solution all over the workbench. I suppose that is one way to dispose of faulty liquid.
Anyway, here are some updated pics for you all to mull over.
Wow... almost finished???? I thought I was a quick builder! I really like the color of this Hurricane and the camo'd tail is a nice touch. Sorry to hear about the clear/decal solution mishap... hopefully the milkiness disappears over time.
This fast 3 days if you can not connect and there you have started and almost finished, very nice, very nice these additions are magnificent and give you a very very good, great work you've been looking friend
Well folks, she is done, but first of all, many thanks to you all for your comments and interest during this rather quick build. Why was it quick? Because everything seemed to go like clockwork, no major fit problems, everything just seemed to slot into place and apart from the PE, it was almost straight from the box. Basically a simple build.
Anyway, enough with the chatter, here are a few pics for you to drool over: