1/48 ICM Mig-25 RBT 90% of the airframe assembled. Is is pretty good there are a few tricky area like the nose section ,intake to bulk head was kinda a pain . Little Vallejo filler required in a few areas. More final sanding tonight . Need to get some weight for the nose bottom to be installed . I do have to say the fit of the ICM kit is WAY better then the Kitty Hawk kit by a long shot
Very nicely done! Have not encountered a Kitty Hawk kit yet, but I see lots of folks talking about problems with them. ICM looks to be a great kit however!
Soviets comprehensively redesigned the onboard systems after the defection to japan. ive also read the steel subframe was reconstructed to utilise modern lightweight alloys sometime after that. Post defection Foxbats are nothing like the older versions.
Finally got the ejection seat done and the rest of the the cockpit. Time to get the canopies masked and installed. Hopefully get some primer on her the weekend