I agree my friend. The thinner used is the one I always use for both Humbrol and Xtracolor (and all other enamels), and is as recommended by Xtracolor, being a good quality White Spirit.
I think the main problem is with the Xtracolor paint, or at least this particular tin.
I've since sprayed the model with the mix described below, and, although there's definitely a problem with the Xtracolor, there is also a slight problem with the airbrush, which I think has very likely been caused by the Xtracolor paint, possibly clogging the paint channel.
I've stripped and cleaned the 'brush at least three time so far, and it's struggling just a little to spray paint evenly, although straight thinners is not a problem,
However, it's working enough to get the model painted, although I've had to thin the Humbrol paint more than usual.
And now on to the paint mix used.
I had intended mixing a little light grey with Humbrol matt enamel No.157 'Azure', and first put a few drops of the grey into the mixing cup.
After stirring the 'Azure' for around six minutes, the shade still looked very close to the Xtracolor 'PRU Blue', so I painted a little on to the lids from both paints, and let them dry.
Virtually identical !
The first coat has been sprayed using the 'Azure' with a very small amount of grey added, and is currently drying (pics later), and I'm going to spray another light coat of the 'Azure', without the grey, and see what it looks like.
The pics below show the Xtracolor on the left, Humbrol on the right, with the paint stripes on the Humbrol tin (PIC 2), and the Xtracolor tin (PIC 3).
The colours haven't reproduced very welll in the pics, due to the lighting, but the contrat is enough so that you'll get the idea.
The new airbrush I ordered has been dispatched today, and should arrive by Wednesday at the latest, so any further painting, after this next coat, can wait until then.
Back later with pics of the painted model - I hope !