<-- 1/48 Mosquito PR.IX -Twin Engined Aircraft WWII

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Thank very much chaps.
Just getting ready to spray the PRU Blue. As this is the 'Xtracolor' gloss enamel, designed to be 'decal ready', it takes some time to dry, so the model will have to be sprayed in stages, starting with the fuselage, and letting each stage dry before proceeding to the next stage.
It'll probably take two days to get the model completely painted, but I might have pics of the first stage later.
After fitting the carb intake ice guards from the Eduard PE set, things came to a temporary halt.
I b*ggered about for around two hours, trying to spray the Xtracolor PRU Blue, with as much success as a one legged man in an arse kicking contest !
It just would not spray, other than the odd spurt, and the paint that did make contact dried with a matt finish - very strange for Xtracolor, which normally sprays beautifully, and with a rich, gloss finish. I thought at first that it was the airbrush, so stripped it down, cleaned the needle, air way and paint channels, and the nozzle. The 'brush sprayed straight thinners without a problem, so I thinned the paint more than normal, and it still wouldn't part company with the 'brush. Thinning a little more turned it from the greyish blue hue of the PRU Blue, into a greyish-white, milky mess. I can only surmise that this particular tin is a bit dodgy, and I did note that it smelled more like cellulose, than enamel, which would possibly explain it's turning milky.
After messing about for so long, and noting that, unusually, I was getting a headache from the fumes, I gave up, and have decided to have another attempt tomorrow, but this time I'll mix my own paint, using blue and grey enamels.
And just in case, I've ordered another airbrush !
So, not a lot to show apart from an underwhelming pic of a PE ice guard !

Thanks my friend.
I'm fairly sure it's just a paint problem, but if it's the airbrush, then at least I'll have a new one very soon - just means a delay of around a week, before I can continue with this and the FB.VI.
If the worst comes to the worst, then I could brush paint the Xtracolor, as it normally goes on very smoothly with a good paint brush, but I'm very dubious after smelling it, and I still have a headache, an hour after cleaning up.
No doubt I'll find out tomorrow, when I mix the paint and try it out.
I see. But did you set a correct air pressure? if it wasn't the proper one It could have been the reason for.
Yep. I normally spray at around 15 psi, but I varied the pressure to try to clear what I initially thought was a blockage, maybe a small piece of pigment or dust, taking the pressure right up to 30 psi, without success.
The raw thinners sprayed at a pressure as low as around 8 psi, and still sprayed right at the top of the pressure gauge.
I've since tried out the 'brush using another paint, thinned as normal, and it sprayed fine, so I believe the problem lies with the Xtracolor paint, where the pigment and carrier are separating in the thinners, which, as recommended by Xtracolor / Hannant's, is good quality White Spirit, the type I always use.
Although this paint is supposed to be enamel. and I've used Xtracolor many times over the years, without problems, the smell is definitely more like a cellulose dope, so I'm wondering if something went wrong at the factory somewhere !!
The cellulose odor may indicate the different type of the colour than you have been using so far. So you can be right about the factory. It's possible they could change the composition of the product. Have you compared the paint with others of the manufacturer you had used before?
Well, all Xtracolor paints are supposed to be enamels, so either there's been an error, or this particular colour is perhaps some sort of synthetic enamel. If it is cellulose (and it shouldn't be !), then there's no way I'm going to risk spraying it onto plastic thinned with cellulose thinner - far to aggressive.
I'll mix my own PRU Blue with known enamels, and spray that - given that the problem is not with the airbrush afterall.
Could give a hobby brand lacquer thinner a whirl if you have one handy, presumably they would be less aggressive. Seems some people like Geoff above use them to thin oil-based enamels, although haven't done it myself . An "interesting" problem Terry nonetheless!
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Interesting maybe Kirby, but bl**dy frustrating too !
I've used Xtracolor for many years, and never had a problem, so I'm just wondering if there's been a change due to legislation regarding solvents etc in paints. Shame if that's the case, as the paints are good, and accurate in hue, although I normally only use specific colours from the range.
Lacquer and its thinners isn't that common in modelling in the UK, and I haven't seen any thinners locally, or on-line for that matter, so I stick with the tried and tested enamels (even though Humbrol is cr@p compared to what it used to be !).
I'll mix some paint later today and see what happens. Even if there is a problem with the airbrush (and I don't think there is), the Xtracolor is definitely odd, having turned milky with the addition of just a little more thinners.
Terry, if the paint got the milky tone while adding more of the thinner it might mean that either it is addled or the thinner isn't the proper one. But I would say that's the first reason for that. I have had the same with one Humbrol enamel although the can never was opened. But it appeared it wasn't stored incorrectly for long time.
I agree my friend. The thinner used is the one I always use for both Humbrol and Xtracolor (and all other enamels), and is as recommended by Xtracolor, being a good quality White Spirit.
I think the main problem is with the Xtracolor paint, or at least this particular tin.
I've since sprayed the model with the mix described below, and, although there's definitely a problem with the Xtracolor, there is also a slight problem with the airbrush, which I think has very likely been caused by the Xtracolor paint, possibly clogging the paint channel.
I've stripped and cleaned the 'brush at least three time so far, and it's struggling just a little to spray paint evenly, although straight thinners is not a problem,
However, it's working enough to get the model painted, although I've had to thin the Humbrol paint more than usual.

And now on to the paint mix used.
I had intended mixing a little light grey with Humbrol matt enamel No.157 'Azure', and first put a few drops of the grey into the mixing cup.
After stirring the 'Azure' for around six minutes, the shade still looked very close to the Xtracolor 'PRU Blue', so I painted a little on to the lids from both paints, and let them dry.
Virtually identical !
The first coat has been sprayed using the 'Azure' with a very small amount of grey added, and is currently drying (pics later), and I'm going to spray another light coat of the 'Azure', without the grey, and see what it looks like.

The pics below show the Xtracolor on the left, Humbrol on the right, with the paint stripes on the Humbrol tin (PIC 2), and the Xtracolor tin (PIC 3).
The colours haven't reproduced very welll in the pics, due to the lighting, but the contrat is enough so that you'll get the idea.
The new airbrush I ordered has been dispatched today, and should arrive by Wednesday at the latest, so any further painting, after this next coat, can wait until then.
Back later with pics of the painted model - I hope !

Looking good my friend. It's a shame that the Humbrol colours don't be like they used to be. However I still find them useful with a good range of tones.
Yes, ever since the Humbrol factory at Hull closed, the paints have never been the same. Overall, they're not too bad, with just the odd few colours that seem to be troublesome, but they're nowhere near as good as they used to be. Still, as you say, they have a good range, and they're mostly usable.
Got the second coat on, using just the 'Azure', and it's looking OK so far - pics later, when it's dried properly and I can move the model.
I noticed a drop in pressure when spraying, although the compressor is holding pressure when not spraying, so it's either a worn seal in the 'brush (more than likely, if the Xtracolor affected it), or the compressor has a fault. I should find out once I get to use the new airbrush.

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