1/48 Tamiya FW190D-9 White 11 of IV/JG51

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I concur on the Black spinner Andy, one shot in JaPo Vol 1 clearly shows the spinner and Prop blades in good sunlight from the front and the spinner is much darker than the RLM70 blades...
That's the one that convinced me it was black. Any comments on the camo scheme Wayne? Or on the possibility of yellow engine cowl? I really value your opinion on this and, although I'll likely not change the camo colours any more this time around, I'd like to learn for the future.

Here are some images with the gloss coat on:

Thanks guys. Decal work is starting.

Latest wisdom on this aircraft is that the previously thought W.Nr. of 213097 is actually supposed to be 213007. Unfortunately, the Eduard sheet that I'm using printed the former number so I had to make another W.Nr set on my own by scanning and manipulating the Eduard sheet, The pic below shows my new decals beside the Eduard ones. Although they printed a bit lighter, they should work out OK.

Here's a shot with the first batch of decals in place:

Thanks for looking in guys.

possibly a tad darker on the 82, but No real problem on the camo as is, Andy!
The Yellow, not sure about that, I would tend to think no, it doesn't fit....
Actually, it's a Phillips Propeller.

Thanks all and appreciate the feedback Wayne. The nose and gear doors are a bit of a mystery. The gear doors appear to have a patchy camo applied and I wonder if there might have been a field-applied overspray on the nose underside though it appears that the 76 higher up around the radiator louvers is definitely plain.
Cheers Rusty.

All the decals are now on. Not all stencils have been applied but a lot of them are there. The wing walks, always tricky, were done by trimming off excess decal film and applying them to the model with wet Future to prevent silvering. The W.Nr. turned out not bad if a bit faded. I made it exactly the same size as the Eduard decal but in hindsight I should have reduced the size as it's a bit on the large side when compared to photos. Everything has been sealed in another coat of Future which I'll let cure for a day or so.

While all this is curing, I'll be working on the landing gear. One of the knocks against the Tamiya kit is that the gear legs are a bit too short and the tires are too small. Note the comparison pics below showing the Tamiya parts on the left and some spare Eduard ones on the right, which I'll be using. The tires will need the tread filled in as pics show smooth tires used on White 11.

The gear struts, when compared to the Eduard ones are slightly short but I think not enough to warrant the mods so I'll leave these be (I'd have to lenghten the covers as well. Maybe I'll hang a bomb on the rack to explain the shortened legs!

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