Some good progress has been made,with the cowl flaps on the starboard engine made and fitted, and the fuel vent pipes added to the rear of both nacelles, these being made from small gauge aluminium tube. One of the nacelles split at the rear joint whilst drilling, and needs to be filled and sanded.
The wings have now been attached to the fuselage, which was a bit fiddly, as the long locating tabs on each wing are supposed to locate into the slots on the opposite side. They only just reach, and some wriggling and pushing was needed to eventually get them to hold in place, although the port wing root needs a little filler on the top surface.
The fins were assembled, sanded around the joints, and the hing lines on the rudders and trim tabs opened with a razor saw, before fitting them to the tail plane.
Once everything has fully set, some clean-up will be required, as well as the filler mentioned above, and then the model can be masked where needed, and prepared for the first stage of painting, which will be an overall coat of Neutral Gray, acting as the underside colour, and as a primer for the upper surfaces.
I hope to get to this stage some time today.
PIC 1 shows the fuel vents, which have yet to be aligned and cleaned in this photo.
PICS 2 and 3. How the model looks to date.