1:72 Avro Lincoln B.II

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Brigadier General
Dec 17, 2007
The back of beyond
G'day guys!

My latest work in (slow) progress.
Purely conversion , construction and superdetailing for the moment, as my compressor and paints are all still in Hungary.

Avro Type 694 Lincoln B.II, AA-A (RF389), No.75 (NZ) Sqn. RAF Spilsby, August 1945.
Scale: 1:72
Airfix (80's tool) Lancaster B.III Special ('Dambuster')
Revell (new tool) Lancaster B.III Special ('Dambuster')
CMK #7118: Lancaster Mk.I/III interior set (resin/PE)
Flightpath (DB Resins): Avro Lincoln Conversion Set (resin)
Pavla #V72-01: Avro Lancaster (vacform transparencies)
Resin Art #7314: Avro Lancaster wheels (late/post war)
Scale Aircraft Conversions #72032: Lancaster (Rev) Landing Gear (White metal)
Squadron (Falcon) #9191: Avro Lancaster (vacform transparencies)
(Plus alot of scratchbuilding…)
Ventura Decals #V7283: 4 and 8 in. serials – Dull Red.
Xtradecal #X72044: RAF type C and C1 Roundels
Xtradecal #X72129: RAF Post War Serial Letters Numbers, White. Sizes 16", 18", 20", 24", 30"and 48".
Plus need six lots of 48" 'A's in MSG colour.

Enough info exists on the net regarding the Lincoln as a type, so I will cut to the chase.
My aim is to build one of three Lincoln B.IIs initially tested by No.75(NZ) Sqn, RAF in August 1945, intention being to employ them against Japan as part of Tiger Force.
No. 75's regular aircraft at the time were Lancaster B.Is and B.IIIs.
With the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and subsequent Japanese surrender, Tiger Force became unnecessary, and No. 75's Lincolns (RF386, RF388, and RF389 ) were passed on to No. 47 (Rhodesia) Sqn. No.75 (NZ) Sqn. was disbanded 2 months later, in October 1945.
The logic behind the kit bash madness:

-The Lincoln had a lower wing dihedral than the Lancaster.
-The Flightpath fuselage plugs ('sort of') fit the Airfix kit they are designed for, but not the Revell kit. (the Revell fuselages look a little off to me anyway)
-The Airfix wings are correct for a Lanc, but not a Lincoln, and the Revell wings look about right for a Lincoln but a bit too 'straight' for a Lanc. So… instead of chopping and bending two sets of wings, I will add the new tool Revell wings to the Airfix kit to make a Lincoln, and the Airfix wings to the Revell for a more accurate Dambuster.
-Choice of the Airfix B.III Special, and not a standard B.III, as base kit was purely to save having to remove the Mid-upper turret guide and fill the hole. (The BP turret in the Lincoln was positioned above the rear of the bomb bay, not further aft as with Lancaster FN turrets)

Anyway, pics so far. If someone could please reduce the first 7 in size somehow , I would appreciate it!


Airfix box art

Main Airfix parts

Revell box art

Revell (new tool) wings

Airfix fuselage, before...
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..and after:

Will the Flightpath parts fit the Revell wings?


Now about the new wing attachment...

Works for me!

Next step: interior and wheel well detailing. Pics up as I go along.

(..and clashed with Wojtek and Geo - cheers guys!)
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Great stuff Evan - I've been waiting for this from you! Hope the reference pics I got prove useful. Did I send you the reference drawings etc from the SAM Lancaster book?
Cheers Terry and Geo!

Yep Terry, printed off the photos you sent, plus the PDF books (SAM and Warpaint), got them all right here. They are all fantastic, and are my main references for this project (aswell as different websites, including one showing cockpit/ interior pics of the Lincoln you photographed). Many thanks again mate!
No problem mate, glad to help. I'm a bit p*ssed off that RAF Museum member's tickets for the 'Open Cockpit' night at Cosford were sold out by the time I tried to get one - the release date was published after they went on sale!
I was intending to get interior pics of the Lincoln for you.
Sorry you missed that Terry, but thanks a million for the thought! (Kinda stupid releasing the date after sales started already!?)

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