1:72 B-25B "Whirling Dervish"

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Senior Airman
Nov 6, 2019
Add-ons: Kits-World Decals, KW172225

First time participating in a Group Build, very excited to be here! Kit will be built to represent the aircraft ready to take off for the Doolittle Raid on April 18th, 1942. Bomb bay and hatches closed, gear and flaps extended. The Airfix kit is meant to represent 40-2249 "Hari Kari-er", but I have always been more fond of 40-2303 "Whirling Dervish". I was unable to find any photos showing its noseart, though the photo below shows that there is no noseart on the right-hand side (40-2303 can be identified because it was aircraft number 9 , and the photo shows the tail of aircraft number 8). The Ruptured Duck is in the same boat, with 3 different interpretations of what the artwork looked like and no photos of the actual plane. For whatever reason, there seems to be consensus about The Whirling Dervish's noseart. The Doolittle Raid B-25s wore an early version of Olive Drab over Neutral Gray, with a very low and straight demarcation line. There were blotches of darker (more recent) Olive Drab & Neutral Gray on the wingtips, rear fuselage and cowl rings, used to cover up War Games markings and squadron markings. Propellers were painted fully black, without yellow tips. Aircraft were fitted with de-icer boots. Bare aluminum could still be visible in parts on the cockpit frame. Forward section of the flaps was either intentionally lemon-yellow or were accidentally left in bare metal finish when camouflage was applied. I do not know which theory is more likely. All DR aircraft had rather massive exhaust stains on the nacelle sides, but I have no experience with weathering and care too much about this kit to make a botched attempt at it.

I have made a livery for this aircraft in the past for War Thunder, even though the game does not have the correct variant of the B-25. I went to great lengths back then to try to portray a B-25B, painting on windows and the correct exhaust stacks, so I'm very glad that the Airfix kit already took care of all of that and all I have to do is not break anything. This is my favorite model of the B-25 and I'm very glad to have such an accurate kit for it, my only complaint is that the weights I bought don't seem to fit anywhere in the fuselage!

I have already started on the cockpit. Trying to be as detailed as I can put the parts are too small for me. Bronze Green for the cockpit, pedals, yoke and pedestal, black for the yokes, throttle lock and tops of the throttle and prop pitch levers, red for the tops of the mixture levers and silver for details on the yoke and control levers. Couldn't quite make a circle in the center of the yokes, but it won't be visible from outside anyway.
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Welcome to your 1st GB Matt and what a great subject and such detail for the kit scale. I seem to recall (but I could have it wrong) but were the aircraft stripped to bare essentials to reduce weight for the short carrier deck takeoff.
Welcome to your first GB.
I remember mine, it was a bit overwhelming.
GB7, a 1/72nd Bolten Paul Defiant. Had no idea what one was.
First time trying to be Accurate inna build, first time PE parts.
You may end with a better result than myownself!!
Welcome to your 1st GB Matt and what a great subject and such detail for the kit scale. I seem to recall (but I could have it wrong) but were the aircraft stripped to bare essentials to reduce weight for the short carrier deck takeoff.
Thank you! Yes, the planes were stripped of a number of equipment. I don't currently have the list with me, but I remember that the radio was removed, so was the bottom turret, and the tailguns were replaced by broomsticks. It seems that the Airfix kit accounted for most, if not all of these peculiarities. The kit even correctly includes an incendiary bomb, which I guess will join my growing pile of unused ordinance along with my 17D's GP bombs, since I'm building both with bomb bay closed.

Very interesting! I never really thought about what the name might mean, probably because it's a name I've known since before I was good at English. It's apparently a ritual dance!

Welcome to your first GB.
I remember mine, it was a bit overwhelming.
GB7, a 1/72nd Bolten Paul Defiant. Had no idea what one was.
First time trying to be Accurate inna build, first time PE parts.
You may end with a better result than myownself!!
Thank you! I haven't bought any photo-etched accessories myself yet. Incidentally though I just found out that there were mask sets available for this very kit. If only I had realized this while in the US! Really gonna wish I had bought them when I start working on the nose glazing and cockpit canopy.
I suggest going to YouTube and finding some vids on using PE!!!!!

Masks for glass, I suggest the same. I cut the washi, Tamiya tape in 1mm strips. Stick it along the inside e the of the Framing all around the pane then trim the intersections. Then fill in the open spaces. I find the masks a bit expensive now. They Must be made for Your kit. That's all.
I'll try that out, thanks! I have Tamiya tape lying around, it's gonna be essential for the demarcation lines.
I am very glad this build has a generous deadline.

The B-25 has no compartments large enough to hold the lead weights I purchased when back in the US. After some research Liquid Gravity seemed like it would do the trick quite well. It's quite hard to find modeling supplies in Brazil and they tend to be very expensive due to import costs, so I've been purchasing supplies through ebay. I purchased Liquid Gravity from a seller in the UK because of shipping prices and just received an email that it will be arriving today… at my US address, and my old uni doesn't usually forward things internationally. This will take a bit to sort out and I'll be away finishing my studies for all of July in neither country. If I can get it to arrive by the middle of June I can get some good progress on the B-25. If not, well then the B-25 will have to wait until August. There are still quite a few steps I can take in the build before I need to seal up the compartment so I'll work on those.

Thankfully, it seems to be a mistake I only made once, my other orders are all shipping to the correct place. Unfortunately, I made it on the only time sensitive item that I've ordered, everything else is supplies for a future TBF build.
I had to hammer all my lead into shapes to fit SNUG in all the voids since it cannot be poured in molten!!!!!
Load under the floor of the nose.
Load the tunnel under the pilots.
Load Under the tunnel.
Had to do this on my own B25 build.
Thanks for the tip, Bill. I'll see what I can do. I've heard before that you should put in twice as much weight as the instructions call for, is that accurate?

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