1/72 Italeri Hs 126 B1; MTO Group Build

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Wojtek is a veritable veritable gold mine of info! Great stuff!

I may have to dig thru my spare decals though. That one color shot clearly shows totally black (with white border) aircraft id and the kit decals have a red F.
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Check out the scene in this video from YouTube starting at 0:35 seconds.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3IXii2YAbds

Oh, and the Hs 126 was a fairly large plane by comparison. Kind of surprised me when I compared it to the Hs 123 and even the Bf 109 or Fw 190. It had a massive wingspan by comparison. The Hs 126 could also carry up to 150 kg of ordinance on a side mount on the port side fuselage.
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Here's an image on the progress of the instrument panel.

Images deleted

Edit: The more I looked at those, the worse I feel about them. Back to the drawing board.
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So how's that stuff on the drawing board going?

Slowly. Not sure exactly what I am going to do with that instrument panel. The basic idea is still okay and the procedure worked just fine (almost - except for that one decal that went tits up on me) but the decals were a major disappointment. As the doctor said to the family, "the operation went fine but sadly the patient died of complications".

It's tough getting the detail I want on that panel at this scale .... and it's not like I didn't expect that going in. Just underwhelmed by the results.

I'm going to go ahead and mount the bezels on the front panel anyway.
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Well I managed to salvage the instrument panel. Even though it's not exactly what I had started out to do, I did get the bezels mounted (including the red and yellow highlights) and I think it looks pretty good .

Finished the engine cowling assembly except for the RLM 80 motelling and doing the exhaust ports gunmetal. Started on putting the cockpit together and some odd bits and pieces like the landing gear struts and tire assembly. Should have some new pics up in a day or two.

(Just waiting on the camera upgrades - I ordered a new AC converter, a battery charger and 4 lithium ion rechargeable batteries. Camera sucks batteries dry in no time at all.)
Look forward to some pics man!

Still working on a couple of others but hopefully these will do.

The instrument panel:

And yes, just to the right is one of the instrument bezels that popped off - I NEVER saw that little thing there until I took that pic.

Another shot of the instrument panel

And a shot of the interior (in progress)


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