1/72 Spitfire Mk. Vb (Směr)

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2nd Lieutenant
Nov 3, 2004
Praga Mater Urbium
This is a pretty basic 1/72 Supermarine Spitfire Mk. Vb kit by a Czech toy company Směr. I suspect the plastic forms were bought through a license waaay back in the in 1980's from Heller. anyways, a very cheap kit (4€ only), so I won't be upset if I screw up something. And I will, trust my friends :D

This is the front box:

As I re/started scale modelling a few weeks ago, now having all the proper conditions for this wonderful hobby, and this being one of my first builds since, I will be focusing mostly on the neatness of the build, rectangularity and precise geometry, fitting all the parts in a nice, clean way...

The model will be pretty much OOB, perhaps just with some additions...

With the decals contained in the box, camo scheme dtto.

I am going to build a Spitfire Mk. Vb sn. BL973 "RY-S" of the 313 Czech sqdn RAF, delivered as a brand new in March 1942. This particular aircraft was a personal one of a Czechoslovak pilot, the 313's B-Group commander, F/Lt Stanislav Fejfar. He had it personalized with a "Tally-Ho" Pluto dog painting and emblems of 6 and 1/2 victories underneath the left side of the cockpit.


Soonafter upgrading onto this Mark V, Fejfar shot down two, and damaged another two Fw 190's between March and May 1942. Only a few weeks later, on 17th May 1942, Stanislav Fejfar, one of the leading personalities of the 313 Czech squadron, was killed over France in an aerial dogfight by a Luftwaffe fighter ace Hptmn. Josef "Pips" Priller, who had over a hundred victories in the WWII.



As seen on the attached photographs, I am in the initial stage of the build, just finished the cockpit assembly, dry-washed it yesterday, and now I am dry-fitting the fuselage and wings together... When I am past this, I believe it will go quick.

As a relatively inexperienced modeller, I will be very happy and thankful for any of your tips, comments and helpful hints. :)


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Here is a shot of the kite.. please notice the lack of the antenna wire. Contrary to the profile you posted above it seems that the Spit had the new radio set attached.

Spitfire MkVb 313 sqdn.jpg
Great, Wojtek, thanks for the thumbs up and especially for this photo! I was unaware it exists. Where is it from?

also, what do you think about my building techniques? I know it is not much to be seen on the photos, but anyways.. :)
I found the picture via the net. As far as your building techniques is concerned it is OK. I would say you follow the kit instruction. However I would check on the fitting of the main parts. I'm still having the kit in my stash and it is still one of the best Spitfire models in the scale. But you know.. time flies. The plastic can get older too. Also I would paint the cockpit area ( on the inner fuselage sides ) and the pit details firstly before assembling. Then I would put all parts together including the fusealge halves.
Yes, I somewhat agree this is one of the best models out there on the market as to comparison of price/performance... But I also bought a brand new Airfix 1/72 Spitfire and... the details are just outstanding... Look here. This is also my first try ever for dry-brushing... Pretty neat, eh? :D

I agree with you on building the cockpit parts first, painting them, and only then gluing them inside... I simply started this one as a trial and error "guinea pig". However, do not want to screw it up, obviously... :D

Will keep you posted!

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Hi everyone,

Long time me no post. o_O

So, just to make everyone here sure, I did not give up on this model. It has survived almost two years and two subsequent movings. Now, finally, I am in a new place where B"H I will stay for some time - and I have relatively good space for a workbench. So I started building most of my stash, probably 20+ kits, all simultaneously. Here are some pics of the progress of this one. It is not the best model, and a lot of work will be required, see in the pics.

I am especially concerned about the gaps between the L wing and the fuselage, not sure how I can correct that. To be honest, it rather looks hideous to me now. Hopefully I can do something about it... :cool:

Would appreciate any of your comments and/or tips!

Cheers! :pilotsalute:


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