1/72 Testors SBD Dauntless "White 12" (1 Viewer)

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...from when I was a kid! It's the one with the two small rectangles of plastic for the seats right? Even back then I remember thinking what a starnge mix of cool detail and...ah...well...crap frankly. That's even counting the fact that I didn't notice that there weren't any wheel wells. Weird.

Great job by the way!

I'm way to lazy to put all that effort putting wheel wells in a $7 model. That said I have some ideas how I can jaz it up, but we'll have to wait. Right now i need to start my MTO build
I'm way to lazy to put all that effort putting wheel wells in a $7 model. That said I have some ideas how I can jaz it up, but we'll have to wait. Right now i need to start my MTO build

Personally I think these inexpensive models are the perfect testing ground for trying stuff out. But I do see the flip side of the argument as well.
Personally I think these inexpensive models are the perfect testing ground for trying stuff out. But I do see the flip side of the argument as well.

I definatly see the value of these El-Cheap-O kits for trying out new things. So far with the 3 kits I've done, in the end I've been very happy with the results despite the flaws but during the build I want to pull out what's left of my hair. Of course the Jameson helps me through those trying times.
Just a small update to this build. It seems the decals were worse off then I thought (Took a dip in the dogs pool durring a photo shoot). They went on fine but before I could apply another coat of Future they started to raise off the plane. Just about half have fallen off. I went back to the Michael's Craft store where I purchased this 'El-Cheap-O but they don't have any in stock. Neither did another one in the area. This could be an issue.

I could always head over to the LHS and look for some aftermarket decals but knowing me I'll leave with my arms full and my wallet a lot lighter. So for now this little fella will need to be placed on the back burner till I figure out what to do.

Well I decided to take out the "El-Cheap-O" SBD try to repair it and bring it a few steps closer to completion. As you might remember I had an issue with the decals and needed some new ones. Thanks to a poster from the "Fine Scale Modeler" forum I'm back in business.

Both of the upper wing Roundels and both the fuselage Roundels needed to be replaced. 3 of the 4 red fuel cap tank decals fell off along with the right "S" on the tail. Oh, I forgot to mention that both the wing walk ways fell off also.

After getting all the new decals in place something still wasn't right. The "Black 5" was incorrect for Lt Swede's plane. he actually flew "Black 10". I used the 5 because I couldn't find the correct numbers. Then I stumbled upon something.

This is a great product. One sheet comes in various sizes. All you need to do is cut them out, remove the backing, put in place, color over the letter or number and remove. After you are done seal the transfer in place with either dull cote or Future.

Oh, I forgot one thing. In order to achieve the red in the dive breaks I dipped .20 aircraft safety wire in red paint and stuck it in each and every hole in the flaps. It was tedious but in the end will be worth it.

Ok, the next step with this "El-Cheap-O" SBD is building the twin .30 Cal for the back seat.

Here is Testors idea of a gun.

Well even with this "El-Cheap-O" model that is just not acceptable. Well its time to venture into waters I've never ventured into before. SCRATCHBUILDING

Here are some drawing to show what the SBD twin mount .30 Cal should look like.

Using some scrap Evergreen .020x .156 strip styrene I set to work making the armor plate for the gunner.

I cut the scrap to a manageable size and then using my pin vice I drilled a hole for the site.

I then rounded the top to the proper shape. Using a file I turned the round hole to a square hole. Next I put a "V" grove just below the site opening and bent the styrene to the approximate angle like seen in the photos. I then placed a little glue to hold it in place.

Next was the side armor plates. Using my snips I cut the styrene into the correct shape.

Next I painted the tiny pieces interior green and glued into place.

Better but not where I'd like it to be yet so A trip to my LHS was in order. Here's what I got.

Photo etch Gunsites

And photo etch gun belts to feed the twins.

The funny part is I just spent all this time on making the twins and this plane doesn't even have a cockpit. The way I rationalize this it with the canopy in place you would barely see the cockpit. The twins on the other hand are out in the open for all to see.

Once everything is set in place I'll touch up the paint on the twins and armor plating.

Till next time...
Thanks for the kind words guys. This bird has been an emotional roller-coaster ride for me. Loved it, hated it, loved it hated it... Now I'm jacked about it again. Looking at the center armor plate I think it needs to be a bit shorter. I'm going to have to look into that.

What I really need to do is get cracking on the HS129 for the MTO GB. Times ticking away...

Well after all this time I'm fianally going to call this one done. Its Lt Stanley W. "Swede" Vejtasa's SBD Dautless as I believe it may have looked after he brought it back to the USS Yorktown that fateful day back on 08 May 1942.

Throughout this build I complained about the quality of this $7 "El-Cheap-O" POS Testors kit but I have to admit I got my moneys worth when you consider how long it kept me occupied. It also was a good test bed for some scratch building, PE application and weathering techniques.

Well thanks for putting up with my complaints.

Most of all thanks for taking the time to look.
Dirk, love the weathering! Was the wing after he hit the Zero in mid air? (Forget if that was the day or not)

That is correct Harrison. Now I haven't been able to find out the extent of the damage his plane actually suffered but If the accounts of the what happened are accurate and the two planes did collide the least of the damage would be that the wing cap would have been sheared off.

Ok, there was a show "Dogfights" Episodes name was "Long Odds" I believe. Its funny because I just watched it.

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