100's of copies of Anne Franks diary vandalized

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Jun 10, 2004
Knoxville, TN
I just don't get this one.......

Anne Frank's Diary vandalised in Tokyo libraries

Tokyo (AFP) - Scores of copies of Anne Frank's "Diary of a Young Girl" kept in public libraries across Tokyo have been vandalised, officials said Friday, sparking alarm amid a rightward shift in Japan's politics.

Pages in at least 250 copies of the diary or publications containing biographies on Anne Frank, Nazi persecution of Jews and related materials have been torn, the council of public libraries in the capital said.

More than a dozen books have also been damaged at libraries in two other nearby areas, media reported.

"We have complaints from five of (Tokyo's 23) wards so far but I don't yet know exactly how many libraries are affected," Satomi Murata, the head of the council, told AFP. "We don't know why this happened or who did it."

"Each book had 10-20 pages torn out, leaving it unusable," said Kaori Shiba, the archives director at the central library in Shinjuku ward, where 39 books were vandalised at three libraries.

Toshihiro Obayashi, deputy director of the central library in the Suginami area, said 119 books have been damaged at 11 of its 13 public libraries, adding nothing like this had ever happened before.

"Each and every book, which comes up under the index of Anne Frank, has been damaged at our library," Obayashi said.

The Simon Wiesenthal Center, the US-based international Jewish rights group, said on its website it was shocked and concerned.

"The geographic scope of these incidents strongly suggest an organised effort to denigrate the memory of the most famous of the 1.5 million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis in the World War II Holocaust," Abraham Cooper, the centre's associate dean, said in a statement.

"Only people imbued with bigotry and hatred would seek to destroy Anne's historic words of courage, hope and love in the face of impending doom," Cooper added. "We are calling on Japanese authorities to step up efforts to identify and deal with the perpetrators of this hate campaign."

The diary, written by a Jewish girl who lived in Amsterdam during the time of the Holocaust, was added to the UN Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation's Memory of the World Register in 2009.

Yasumi Iwakami, a freelance journalist who writes on social causes in Japan, tweeted there had been sporadic "delusional" arguments about the existence of a Jewish conspiracy surrounding the Holocaust.

"But violence has not presented itself to this extent before," he said, calling the incidents the "advent of crude anti-Semitism."

The spree comes amid criticism of a rightwards shift in Japanese politics under nationalist Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, with a recent volley of provocative comments about Japan's wartime past that have sparked accusations of revisionism by China and South Korea.

Largely homogenous Japan does not have a very big Jewish community, with the vast majority of people believing in an admixture of imported Buddhism and indigenous Shintoism.
Sorry, Thor, but that is not my fault!
I have no idea at all why such thing happened.

A Jewish organization blamed us on anything about the Comfort Women or something like that last month.
That might be related to the incidents but this is just my guess.
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A Jewish organization blamed us on anything about the Comfort Women or something like that last month.
That might be related to the incidents but this is just my guess.

It will be something like that.
Unfortunately we all have our 'lunatic fringe' of people willing to carry out such acts of vandalism. They do not represent the majority of people here in the UK anymore than they do in Japan.

U.S. war graves were desecrated a few years ago in France, at the time of the Iraq war, with the phrase (roughly) 'get your rubbish out of our soil.' I was working in France at the time and all my French colleagues were as appalled as any normal person would be.


Sorry, Thor, but that is not my fault!
I have no idea at all why such thing happened.

A Jewish organization blamed us on anything about the Comfort Women or something like that last month.
That might be related to the incidents but this is just my guess.

I know it isn't Shinpachi. You are too good of a man for that but I thank you for giving us a possible answer as to why that was done.
U.S. war graves were desecrated a few years ago in France, at the time of the Iraq war, with the phrase (roughly) 'get your rubbish out of our soil.' I was working in France at the time and all my French colleagues were as appalled as any normal person would be.

I hadn't heard that before. As much as I'm sorry to hear that, thank you for sharing that story with me/us. Of course, now I'm sitting here all pissed off!
Like those, well....there's no written words, how I feel about those b*stards Swedes, who stole the sign above gates to Auschwitz, never more embarrassed about being a Swede before, or pissed off with fellow countrymen....human lowlife so they are, those who did it!

They're everywhere, unfortunately....
Obviously it it is an ignorant thing (defacing any book is), but whoever did this does not represent the Japanese people. Simple as that...

Japanese have no reasons to hate Jewish people but, according to my Google research, Mr(Rabbi) Abraham Cooper of a Jewish organization Simon Wiesenthal Center in L.A. blamed Japan's denial of Comfort Women in his interview with Asahi Shinbun last November and this had brought Japanese nationalists' protest against HIM because HE was thought being influenced by anti-Japan Korean activists in the U.S. though this may have nothing to do with the incidents this time.
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Whatever the reason behind this vile act, it angers and saddens me to think that after all the heartache and injury the world suffers from all the conflicts of the last century and these current times. There is a handful of misguided individuals or groups out there who still want to cause mayhem over some little gripe they have with the world. If any of this is related to the events of WWII, then I feel sorry for them. True that what takes place during conflict is not nice no matter who's side your on, but history is history, it cannot be changed so why perpetrate it.
So it proves that Some people Do need a hobby!

Yes, but some people's hobby is anti-Semitism. Or racism, anti-Americanism, being the BTK killer, etc. They need non-destructive hobbies. I suggest knitting.

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