1n 1939 what would your operational airforce look like

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More precisely, he meant "Even the Chinese know that [the B-17 was a pile of junk in 1939]" .
We hated them. The idea of a bomber being so heavily defended that it could bomb in daylight appealed to Bomber Command, after all the B-17 could fly higher and was more heavily armed than all other RAF bombers at the time.

However, the idea was soon proved false. The B-17 could fly higher but the performance of German interceptors was remarkable at the altitude, and the B-17s could not defend themselves even in close formation.

The idea of a self-defending fortress in the sky was hashed over once again when the USAAF began their campaign over European skies. Lessons learnt twice by the RAF did not have any effect on the brains of the USAAF - which cost many people's lives. Then, finally, in 1943 they realised a long-range escort fighter would be the only way the daylight offensive could continue.
But while in 39 the Fort was one of the planes in the world with the longest legs and biggest payload capability, there is a world of difference between the B/C/D models than there is with the E/F/G models. I would not fly into a mess of 109s in a C model fort but I would think about it in a F or a G model, but in 39 these versions were not even a twinkle in the eye in the Boeing designers eyes. Still for my operational AF in 39, the Fort still is a tempting thing.

The YB-17A would have been blasted out of the sky just like all the RAF Bomber Command aircraft were in the same time period. The B-17 only became a formidable bomber in the F and G models.

If you had produced the B-17A it would have been quite terrible. The B-17B was much better, but that still was not really anything special.

Some basics:


Payload: 4,800 lbs (Maximum eight 600 lbs bombs)
Range: 3,100 miles
Ceiling: 24,620 ft

Image Source: http://www.airwar.ru

Wellington IC:

Payload: 4,500 lbs
Range: 2,200 miles
Ceiling: 22,000 ft

Image Source: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/billchurchley

Whitley IV:

Payload: 7000 lbs
Range: 2,400 miles
Ceiling: 26,600 ft

Image Source: http://www.ww2incolor.com
My list
Fighter - Supermarine Spitfire Mk. I
Bomber - PZL-37 Łoś
Dive bomber?????? but not Stuka for sure
Basic trainer - RWD-8 (optionally Tiger Moth)
"2nd level trainer" - PWS-26
Advanced trainer - Harvard
Patrol - Short Sunderland
Transport - C-47
Maybe as ground attack DB-7 Havoc....I think it was in production and service in 1939

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