1n 1939 what would your operational airforce look like

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I hear what you are saying, but I am with Adler on this one. The average American movie-goer is likely to think that if not for the Americans, Britain would have lost. That would be a real shame.
Slightly off the topic of the Battle of Britain specifically, but there were over 8000 Americans serving in the RCAF. It was faster and easier to sign up in Canada than travelling all the way over to the UK simply to join up. Maybe the American contribution to the BoB shouldn't be overblown, but at the same time the Americans who volunteered to fight even before America went to war should never be forgotten.

Just the same though, I hope this movie will be somewhat accurate at least.
Yep, NS, and if you add Americans in the RCAF, I think there were 3 during that time. I am not discounting the fact that they volunteered and that is definitely honorable. I just fear how Hollywood might spin this one. I hope I am wrong on this, but after Pearl Harbor and U-571, I think Hollywood could use a little history lesson.

Although I have heard that "Flags of our fathers" is supposed to retain some real good historical accuracy. So I guess there is hope yet.
Nonskimmer said:
Slightly off the topic of the Battle of Britain specifically, but there were over 8000 Americans serving in the RCAF. It was faster and easier to sign up in Canada than travelling all the way over to the UK simply to join up. Maybe the American contribution to the BoB shouldn't be overblown, but at the same time the Americans who volunteered to fight even before America went to war should never be forgotten.

Just the same though, I hope this movie will be somewhat accurate at least.
I believe if you check it out most of the guys from thr US that joined the RCAF early ended up as instructors for the BCATP few managed to get to operational squadrons because of the need for new aircrew the RAF had switched over training for the most part to Canada because of better weather , more space , and more importantly freedom to train outside a combat zone I believe of the top of my head over 300000 aircrew were trained in Canada in WW2 not including those that washed out and were trained in the trades in fact the RCAF had offices in the Waldorf Astoria they used to recruit US pilots
evangilder said:
Yep, NS, and if you add Americans in the RCAF, I think there were 3 during that time. I am not discounting the fact that they volunteered and that is definitely honorable. I just fear how Hollywood might spin this one. I hope I am wrong on this, but after Pearl Harbor and U-571, I think Hollywood could use a little history lesson.

Upon further research I think Cruise is playing a RCAF dude. Also I quite enjoyed Pearl and U-571. I like the 40's and 50's shoot 'em up WWII movies and these two reminded me of that.

evangilder said:
Yep, NS, and if you add Americans in the RCAF, I think there were 3 during that time. I am not discounting the fact that they volunteered and that is definitely honorable. I just fear how Hollywood might spin this one. I hope I am wrong on this, but after Pearl Harbor and U-571, I think Hollywood could use a little history lesson.

Although I have heard that "Flags of our fathers" is supposed to retain some real good historical accuracy. So I guess there is hope yet.

After the hammering that Pearl Harbour and U-571 copped, you'd think that no director would be stupid enough to warp a historically based film ever again. But then again tis a strange world we live in!

BTW can't wait for Flags of our Fathers and the new BoB series!
pbfoot said:
Nonskimmer said:
Slightly off the topic of the Battle of Britain specifically, but there were over 8000 Americans serving in the RCAF. It was faster and easier to sign up in Canada than travelling all the way over to the UK simply to join up. Maybe the American contribution to the BoB shouldn't be overblown, but at the same time the Americans who volunteered to fight even before America went to war should never be forgotten.

Just the same though, I hope this movie will be somewhat accurate at least.
I believe if you check it out most of the guys from thr US that joined the RCAF early ended up as instructors for the BCATP few managed to get to operational squadrons because of the need for new aircrew the RAF had switched over training for the most part to Canada because of better weather , more space , and more importantly freedom to train outside a combat zone I believe of the top of my head over 300000 aircrew were trained in Canada in WW2 not including those that washed out and were trained in the trades in fact the RCAF had offices in the Waldorf Astoria they used to recruit US pilots
Yeah, I did a little more reading last night on it and discovered that relatively few of those early ones even left Canada. Actually, I had known about the recruiting offices in the States, but I'd forgotten about them. Thanks for bringing that up, pb.
But see here, how many of us enjoy watching the classic WWII movies, everything from Battle of Britain to Airforce, from historically correct (or mostly correct) to the the classic black and white propaganda flicks of WWII. While I love the historically correct stuff from Piece of Cake to Band of Brothers, sometimes its also good to release facts for fantasy. Thats why I actually enjoyed Pearl Harbor and U-571 because the good guys always wear white and the bad guys are right out of a WWII propaganda poster. I love history in all its factual hard reality but sometimes its just fun to see the Spits coming out of the sun to vanquish the goddless Nazis or the gallant P-40 pilots, rounds flying all over the place, take off in thier P-40s to vanquish the equally goddless Japs. Even the Duke in his Corsair making the world safe for democracy. Sure some of these movies are just plain stoopid, but many are just plain fun. And that's why I go to the movies.

My two yen

DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
They still joined up early though and did there part.
no doubt without US instructors the supply of trained aircrew could have been critical for the commonwealth airforces a very important contribution indeed
CurzonDax said:
But see here, how many of us enjoy watching the classic WWII movies, everything from Battle of Britain to Airforce, from historically correct (or mostly correct) to the the classic black and white propaganda flicks of WWII. While I love the historically correct stuff from Piece of Cake to Band of Brothers, sometimes its also good to release facts for fantasy. Thats why I actually enjoyed Pearl Harbor and U-571 because the good guys always wear white and the bad guys are right out of a WWII propaganda poster. I love history in all its factual hard reality but sometimes its just fun to see the Spits coming out of the sun to vanquish the goddless Nazis or the gallant P-40 pilots, rounds flying all over the place, take off in thier P-40s to vanquish the equally goddless Japs. Even the Duke in his Corsair making the world safe for democracy. Sure some of these movies are just plain stoopid, but many are just plain fun. And that's why I go to the movies.

My two yen


that's fair enough and it can be interesting, but what i hate the most is that other less informed people actually believe it! we know it's not true, they swallow it up as fact.............
but just possibly the most annoying and worst people for this are in my history group. they're quite loud so me and CC can hear them from where we sit, and they sit and talk to each other about military stuff, say they say it on a doccumantary and try to make it sound like they're experts on the subject, what i wouldn't give to be able to go up there and correct them on all their mistakes..............
no, i think i'll wait 'til they actually try and tell me this crock of shit to my face, then i will periodically and systematically correct each of their mistakes, listing sources for each of the corrections ;) that'd be much more fun!
Is there a movie thread? It would be interesting to hear people's thoughts on thier fav airplane flicks and how good or bad they got it in our unquestionable side seat driving, monday night quarterbacking, chairborne ranger opinions.


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