2018 NFL Season

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Surprised this thread has been so quiet - lots of good games these past two months.

Right now, my 'Skins are doing well, though the last game with the Texans was a disaster with Alex Smith's terrible leg injury, though McCoy did a hell of a job trying to rally the Skins back.
I think if he had a bit more time, he could have made a win...the score was that close: Houston 23 - Washington 21

It's not "kosher" to like the NFL anymore...

I wasn't going to be the only person posting in here...

Like I always, I don't miss a single 49ers game. Like usual, we suck...lol

Alex's injury was brutal. 33 years tobthe day too from whe Theismann suffered the exact same injury ending his career.
I ignore the politics, to be honest and it irritates me that some athletes have tried to make thier career a political focus (which we know is BS) and a case in point is a local (to Redding, Ca.) athlete, Megan Rappinoe of the US women's soccer team. Her stunts have actually backfired on her...

Anyway, yes, seeing Alex go down was really hard to watch...it reminded me of seeing Bobby Valentine of the California Angels shatter his leg during a game when I was a kid (back in '73) and it was horrifying.

Besides, the Redskins are doing better than my college team (USC) this season, so I have to go where the action is!

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