2018 Road trip

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Next a I-16 Russian Rat, little history of this aircraft below.

This airplane was built in 1940 and served on the Eastern Front during World War II before it was most likely shot down by German or Finnish fire. The wreckage of this plane was discovered in 1991 and rebuilt at the same factory where it was originally manufactured. Restorers noted that a number of the workers who rebuilt the plane had worked on the original I-16 production line as children.

This airplane was previously part of the Alpine Fighter Collection of New Zealand, and was acquired by the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Museum in 1998. This craft is one of only a handful of I-16s in existence.

Another Ki-43, this one a IIIA. This one is also in Washington state at the Museum of Flight near Seattle.

As far as I know there are only 4 in the United States. Three are posted here in this thread. The last one I know of is in Arizona. I have 35mm pictures of it around here some where as it use to be in the EAA museum.


This next one was kind of challenging to shoot in the museum the way it was displayed. Best I could do under the circumstances. The wildcat


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