3 from 40,000, let's get the party started!

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I say ! Thanks awfully chaps - I really should get out more, what!
And as for the Wil.... that thing, you can stick it up ........... I've got me coat, and I'm going back to bed. Missed New Year, had very little sleep, and I'm p*ssed off with this darned pain !
Terry the Wildcat's post count is at 39,997! 0,005% of which made somewhat sense! Bring his vichy water out and let's get the party started!

Here's to another 40,000 sober-ish posts, ye auld fart!

Jeez, when I joined 2,000 posts was a big deal, and the guys were bugging Lanc Cheddar about their unbelievable post counts of 20,000
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