Harry you got me wrong I'm afraid. I wanted to see the windscreen attached with fingers like you did for the movable part of the conopy. The windscreen or windshield is usually the front and fitted part of cockpit conopy. Have you stuck the part to the model yet?
Not yet....thanks to the Lord, Harry. Here you are one more picture I should have posted with the previous image together but somehow was omitted. Sorry for that. But here is the explanation of the problem I think.
Firstly , check how the front windscreen fits to the fusleage. Make a focus on how it fits to the central part of the cockpit conopy you have already glued at the port side. Also pay your attention to the starboard side concerning the rear edge of the windscreen there. You can mark with a pencil where the edge ending goes up to. Then you should notice how much of the styrene has to be remeved.
Therefore I wanted you to show me both sides of the the windscreen attached to the fuselage.