75th BoB from Duxford

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A great start Jeff !
I've started to download and sort the 2,800 + pics I took, but for some reason, they've downloaded out of order !
It's going to take me longer than I thought to edit some reasonable shots, but as a taster, and purely a random choice, here's one to be going on with.


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Good stuff Jeff.
We had a great weekend Vic - just a shame it had to end.
I'm still sorting mine - it's a real pain as they downloaded out of order, with aerobatic sequences split all over the place !
OK, here's the first of mine, in no particular order, due to the out of order download.
The first show some of the Hurricanes and the Blenheim.


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Still sorting here and will post more shortly. In the meantime, since I had posted this one on the other thread already, I'll just copy it here. 17 Spits made the formation flyover both days. I only wish that the 5 flying Hurricanes went up to join them!


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