75th BoB from Duxford (1 Viewer)

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They certainly are !
I'll try to post some more later tonight - with them being out of order, sorting and editing is a nightmare - bl**dy Windows 7 !!!
I knew I must have some more of the BBMF somewhere in the 2,800+ pics I'd taken, and I was right - they were hiding in the mess of the out of sequence download.
Unfortunately, these were taken following a slight mishap, when I damaged the remote control cable from my pistol grip to the camera and, in trying to fix it, inadvertently switched off the Image Stabilisation, and knocked the settings dial from 'Shutter Priority' to 'Auto' - fortunately, this was noticed later, but by then the show was almost over. So these shots have 'frozen' props, and aren't as sharp as they could be.


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As we grabbed a spot on the banking of the Land Warfare Hall soon after arriving on Sunday, I didn't get many ground shots, concentrating on the airborne opportunities, including a few atmospheric shots (aka 'Arty Farty Stuff'!!).
Here's the highlight of the show, with the massed Spitfire/Seafire formation.
After a few circuits, the formation of 17 aircraft eventually split, with a wild 'tail chase' zooming past at low level from right to left, climbing in an arc to the south of the field, whilst a second, line astern element, screamed past in the opposite direction, providing a kaleidoscopic blur of elliptical wings criss-crossing the sky - just madly breathtaking !
I'll post those I managed to just about catch passing each other, in the next installment.
Obviously, the climbing arc of fighters were some distance away as they turned for another pass, making photography tricky, in as much as they were specs in the sky if one attempted to capture the entire formation, but I'll try to post some pics of this later, to give an impression of the spectacle. Meanwhile, these pics might go some way to demonstrate the fantastic sight and sound of all those 'Spits' doing their thing !
Oh, and I forgot to mention, this formation did not include the BBMF's four Spitfires, which displayed separately with the Flight's Hurricanes, shown earlier.


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Spitfire play time !

These were caught (only just !) during the cross-overs of the Spitfire tail chases. The last shot confirms that this pilot, at least, enjoyed himself !
I'll post pics of the individual Spits and their brief histories later.


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