75th BoB from Duxford

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Good ones Andy.
I hadn't actually tried to get he cross overs, they just sort of happened, although the second one I could see coming, and tried, but missed, to get both Spits fully in the frame.






Great shots Andy and Jeff. I'm lagging behind a bit - been in bed with a nasty old for two days - so i'll catch up soon.
Whilst I'm still sorting the histories and relevant photos of the Spitfires and Hurricanes, here's a few of the 'Scampton Darts Team', aka The Red Arrows, the official RAF Aerobatic Team, who closed the show.
Personally, given the occasion, and after the drama and 'impact' of the mass Spitfire melee, I think they should have opened the show, rather than close it. Whilst it was good, it wasn't the best display I've seen from this World-renowned team, who did a fairly short, 'low' display.
I didn't take many of their display, and as can be seen, I didn't try very hard either !


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