75th BoB from Duxford

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A couple more BBMFs and then some Spitfire porn:

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Great shots there Andy !
I'll be doing a post later, after some formation shots, listing the Spitfires with a brief history of each one. Unfortunately, the shots were taken when I b*gg*red up the camera settings after trying to fix the remote lead on the pistol grip, accidentally switching off Image Stabilisatrion, and changing from Shutter Priority to Auto, so they all have 'frozen' props !!
No, go ahead Andy. I have to sort a few more yet, before I get to posting the individual Spitfire shots. No doubt we'll all be posting pics of the same aircraft anyway, but with different angles etc, so it's all good stuff.
Here's a few of some of the other 'acts' from Sunday's show.
Not really my 'thing', but the RAF Chinook put on an impressive show of silliness, the pilot throwing the big machine around in some incredible moves.
The vintage gliders, from WW2, represented the work done, by gliders, in establishing if they could be detected by RDF (RADAR), in case the Germans used gliders in an assault as a spearhead for the invasion. They were towed out over the Channel and released, with the experimental unit at Worth Matravers attempting to plot their progress.
The Calidus gyro copter recalled the experimental work done at Duxford during the war, with the Cierva machine (shown in the final photo), and this display showed just how far things have come since then - extremely agile and impressive - I want one !


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Thanks chaps.
A few of the BBMF formation - it seems I didn't take many of them.


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More good ones Jeff.
Just had the Newsletter e-mail from IWM Duxford. The crowd at the show was 40,000. It seemed mush bigger, more like 100,000 +, but they must know from the ticket sales, which were advance sale only.

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