Master Sergeant
I don't think so... One of them was 14 and one other was 18, but the others were all 16 or 17. But anyway it's not my point... I don't believe in all that re-habilitation bullsh*t.
Man, they didn't steal a bag of chips in a convenience store, they've beaten up a 16-year-old girl while fighting 6 to 1 (the two boys didn't join in the fight)... It is a major crime ! Just like a murder, a rape or a gangbang. They acted like adults, they deserve an adult sentence, period !
Good, scum like that derserve no less.
Sorry I can't agree that 14 or 16 year olds deserve life. There are repeat DWI drivers that kill kids that only get a couple of years. There are child rapists that get out after a few years.
And I can't agree that it is anywhere near the same as a murder or gang-rape.
I think they deserve 2 - 5 years in a tough juvenile jail, but I can't see that life is the right punishment