8 thugs beated the sh*t out of a 16-year-old girl

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I don't think so... One of them was 14 and one other was 18, but the others were all 16 or 17. But anyway it's not my point... I don't believe in all that re-habilitation bullsh*t.

Man, they didn't steal a bag of chips in a convenience store, they've beaten up a 16-year-old girl while fighting 6 to 1 (the two boys didn't join in the fight)... It is a major crime ! Just like a murder, a rape or a gangbang. They acted like adults, they deserve an adult sentence, period !

Good, scum like that derserve no less.

Sorry I can't agree that 14 or 16 year olds deserve life. There are repeat DWI drivers that kill kids that only get a couple of years. There are child rapists that get out after a few years.

And I can't agree that it is anywhere near the same as a murder or gang-rape.

I think they deserve 2 - 5 years in a tough juvenile jail, but I can't see that life is the right punishment
I agree with Freebird. Life sentence is a bit harsh when you consider exactly what Free says. This seems to me a schoolyard fight, taken to the nth level what with cameras and an empty house. It is horrible and they should be punished, but maybe not life.
May be I'm late on the news, but I just heard of that recently...

Six girls and two boys ( aged from 14 to 18 ) of Lakeland, Florida invited a 16-year-old girl at their home and beated the sh*t out of her and video-taped it just to become famous on the internet.

FOX News -
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jy-LEnWg-3Q

What's the deal with that ? You wanna become famous ? Then there is lot of smarter ways... Start an acting career, become a contestant in American Idol, write a book (okay, I'm not famous yet, so it may takes more time), pose for Playboy or if you don't have any talent stick a dildo up your @ss and run through the city naked telling everyone how much you like Jesus ! I don't know... And personnally I don't give a f*ck.

But honestly, what was wrong with those jerks ?

Good thing though, they faces life sentence...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFLoeZSmGDo
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3nX1NmAec0

I think I just found the subject of the next update of the politics section of my website...

Here are the names of the punks :

Zachary Ashley
April Cooper
Brittini Hardcastle
Kayla Hassell
Britney Mayes
Cara Murphy
Mercades Nichols
Stephen Schumaker

That last video was made by a masked man called YTwatchdog. The way he puts it is rather "childish", but he has damned good points... And he managed to make me laugh.

Oh, and before you start to wonder : no, it is not me under that mask.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNvwVMlo5bE

oh yea i herd about that on the news why did they attack her?
Freebird wrote
And I can't agree that it is anywhere near the same as a murder or gang-rape.

I respectfully disagree with you on this point.
May not be the same as Murder, but a gang rape or rape in general is totally within the realm of what this crime is equivalent to. Imagine being beaten severly by several people and fearing for your life the whole time.
This is well beyond any schoolyard beating I've ever witnessed or experienced. Thier goal was to do severe physical harm. In addition to that this poor girl has to endure the mental anquish that accompanies this beating for the rest of her life.
While I don't think a life sentence is neccesarily the punishment they deserve, a 2-5 year sentence is a bit light in my opinion.
Incidents like this need to be made an example of and brought to light in the news media that it will not be tolerated.
I saw the week prior to this event that the latest utube crazy was kids slap fighting in the school restrooms. There are clips of kids slaping each other to the point of concussion and black outs. I think that these kids just wanted their 2 minutes of fame.

Lets see who we can blame instead for the kids that did this? How about the parents for either beating them to much or not enough. The school for teaching kids not to fight bad when they are attacked. I know, the theaters that let under age kids see R rated movies. No it is the violant video games. Or is it that evil rock and roll? No, they watch to much Warren Brothers cartoons. They are just hyper active. They eat to much sugar or they eat to much red meat.

I am so tired of the BS. These kids will be forever stupid, uncaring and unable to provide for themself. The government will have to give them everything. O, I see, that is the plan.

I respectfully disagree with you on this point.
May not be the same as Murder, but a gang rape or rape in general is totally within the realm of what this crime is equivalent to. Imagine being beaten severly by several people and fearing for your life the whole time.
This is well beyond any schoolyard beating I've ever witnessed or experienced. Thier goal was to do severe physical harm. In addition to that this poor girl has to endure the mental anquish that accompanies this beating for the rest of her life.
While I don't think a life sentence is neccesarily the punishment they deserve, a 2-5 year sentence is a bit light in my opinion.
Incidents like this need to be made an example of and brought to light in the news media that it will not be tolerated.

What do you want ? It is Canada's typical liberal mind. "Anyone (especially the young scumbags) can be re-habili... Erhm... Re-habilita... Ah, f*ck it. They can be turned into good citizens."

That's why Canada is a shelter for criminals. Because in Canadian justice, when you are sentenced to (let's say as an example) 5 years, you "can" be freed after 1/3 of your sentence for good conduct. (It becomes 1/6 if it is your first offence.) To that, you must add the time the @sshole spent in jail prior to the judgement... And in Canada, all of that time is worth twice. A little lost ? Here is an exemple.

Let's take for example a guy who raped a girl as a "first offence"... Sentenced to 5 years of jail. But let's say that he spent three months in jail prior to the sentence...

5 years = 60 months
1/6 of 60 = 10 months
2 x 3 months (pre-sentencing) = 6 months
10 months - 6 months = 4 months

So the @sshole can get out after 4 months of jail... For a rape... Hah ! Canadian justice is a joke.

Add to that the fact that Bounty-Hunters (or Head-Hunters, as you Brits call them) are illegal in Canada, any criminal who cross the border are safe unless a Bounty-Hunter is smart enough to knock him down, drag him back behind American lines and then put him under arrest.

Yes, that's right ! You can't even put a bounty on the head of a criminal in Canada... But anyway, I'm getting off-topic here...

May be a life sentence is a little to much for them, but I doubt they'll get it. I would rather bet on a 10 or 12 years of jail. Or may be I'm just being "Canadian" here... :rolleyes:

Do you think I would be a good reporter ? Personally, I don't think so... Politics - Trash-talk, vulgarities and the truth

What do you want ? It is Canada's typical liberal mind. "Anyone (especially the young scumbags) can be re-habili... Erhm... Re-habilita... Ah, f*ck it. They can be turned into good citizens."

That's why Canada is a shelter for criminals. Because in Canadian justice, when you are sentenced to (let's say as an example) 5 years, you "can" be freed after 1/3 of your sentence for good conduct. (It becomes 1/6 if it is your first offence.)


Are you accusing me of being a liberal? :) :) :p

The crap justice we have here is thanks to a decade of the last Liberal government appointing bleeding heart judges. {or idiot judges}. If you want to talk about mandatory minimums for rape murder etc. I'm all for that.

Actually the conservative govt is about to pass a new car-theft law so the young {repeat offender!} joyriders will get a stiffer penalty.

When I said these kids need a couple/few years in a hard place I meant real years not bullsh*t 1/6 {canadian!} time! :D :rolleyes:
The crap justice we have here is thanks to a decade of the last Liberal government appointing bleeding heart judges. {or idiot judges}. If you want to talk about mandatory minimums for rape murder etc. I'm all for that.

Actually the conservative govt is about to pass a new car-theft law so the young {repeat offender!} joyriders will get a stiffer penalty.

When I said these kids need a couple/few years in a hard place I meant real years not bullsh*t 1/6 {canadian!} time! :D :rolleyes:

Well, honestly I have an other idea concerning judges... Because we know that they can have guts in Civil Law...

- $300,000 CDN penalty given to a radio host of Québec City for saying (on air) that a weather girl from a certain TV channel had bigger boobs than brain.

- Near $1,000,000 CDN penalty given to an ex-radio host (and his employer) for saying of an other ex-radio host (on air) that (in short) he was an @sshole for buying sexual services of two underage prostitutes (between the ages of 14 and 17).


- Barely $17,000 compensation given by the gouvernment to the family of a murdered child who was raped, tortured and then buried alive by a pedophile that was paroled earlier that year.

The moral of that story : judges in Canada fear to be difamed, but don't fear to be killed. After all, who would dare to put a bullet in the head of a judge ? (In exception of the Mafia...)

The day someone will kill a judge, the sentences will get stiffer.


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