9 May 1945

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My father worked at Croydon airport after the war as an aircraft mechanic. He recounted how there was a hanger full of Tiger Moths, maybe 50. Disassembled, wings stacked on side, fuselages on the other. Guy had bought them ex airforce, went broke, couldn't pay for hangerage. They were all taken outside and burnt.

Aw man.....no respect....
I think, some of the pictures in post #1 are from the scrapyard at Brunntal near to the Autobahn Munich-Salzburg.
Check the pic of the Siebel 204. The same emblem.
Brunnthal, Germany | Lost Images of World War II

And some Pictures of Munich-Riem 1945 (Jagdverband 44 and other)

(source: R.Forsyth "JV44-The Galland Circus")

(source: R.Forsyth "JV44-The Galland Circus")

(source: R.Forsyth "JV44-The Galland Circus")
This is a post that makes one marvel at just how may aircraft were simply bulldozed and what might be left in terms of bits and pieces. Pretty nice post for modellers too, especially some of the colour shots.


I know I posted these in that other thread ages ago, but still worthy of reposting.

Again, for those with weak stomachs, look away. By the way, the last photo, the Fw190 Yellow 14 was boobie-trapped.

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