A Happy Birthday Njaco !!!!!

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Thank you all! heres a synopsos:

Sunday 8
November 2009
1005 hours EST Somewhere in a hotel in a New Jersey shore resort.

"NEVER, never mix drinks!" *cough* *hack*
"Never mix stinkin' drinks!!" *yawk* *cough* *gurp*
"Who the 'ell is knockin' at the door?"
*gawp* "ohhhhhh" *cough*
"Reunion? Only reunion I'm having is with the freakin' toilet!"
*gaawp* *cough*
"NEVER mix yer drinks!"
Well a Belated Happy Birthday to you Chris. And I see by your last post you sterilized your One Toof with to much alcohol again

Any Way glad you enjoyed yourself
I'm late, but hope it was a good one mate! ...and don't forget: The sign of a really GOOD party is the complete inability to recall anything of it afterwards...

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