only 617 Sqn used the B.I Special operationally during the war, and the aircraft cleared for "large Bomb" operations (only the grandslam falls into this catagory, not even the tallboy was considdered a "large bomb") carried the code letters YZ (617Sqn's standard bombers at this time carried the code KC) so if you want to make yours a wartime "slammer" you need the YZ code, but as a note the lettering was thicker and not as wide as the markings on the last one you put up, finally the greener parts on your last one should be more brown/yellow..........
may i also suggest you put the strop on the bomb to hold it in place
finally (second time i've said that ) below i've posted a version of your last one, look on the outboard engine, you should see a small black line i've drawn, that's where the cammo from the top should spill over onto, shouldn't go so far back as you've got it now............
the 617 Sqn slammers didn't carry the badge on the nose, and you gotta change the green bits to a brown/yellow, and change the paint on the engines like i showed you on the other one........
yes that's much better clave, not perfect by a long way but i wouldn't even be able to draw anything like that out well done, and i think plan d should be able to help you with the lightening the same way i did..........