It shouldn't happen to a Chef !

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Just happened.

"Take this bottle of water off my table !"

Of course, is there a problem with it ?

"Yes, we don't like the shape of the bottle!"
What kind of idiot spends time worrying about the shape of a water bottle?

And for the love of God, I hope they haven't reproduced.
this mornings special person.

Lady orders a full English breakfast with gluten free toast.
i ask the waiter to check if she wanted a gluten free breakfast as sausage and black pudding are not suitable for a gluten free diet and i would also do the hash brown in a separate deep fryer that is not contaminated from gluten.

no its fine, i just dont like the normal bread as its too much, i am told.

ok start up the breakfast and the waiter comes back in saying the lady has just called her over and announced actually she better have a gluten free breakfast as she is in fact gluten free today !
this mornings special person.

Lady orders a full English breakfast with gluten free toast.
i ask the waiter to check if she wanted a gluten free breakfast as sausage and black pudding are not suitable for a gluten free diet and i would also do the hash brown in a separate deep fryer that is not contaminated from gluten.

no its fine, i just dont like the normal bread as its too much, i am told.

ok start up the breakfast and the waiter comes back in saying the lady has just called her over and announced actually she better have a gluten free breakfast as she is in fact gluten free today !
Guessing the gluten she has is inner head!!!!!!

Question, Chef!
Mussels. Cooked some up last night, first time and a bit chewy.
Butter, onion, garlic 3 min.......... white wine another 3 min............. chopped tomatoes, mussels 6 min med/low heat............ done.
Just cooked too long?????
Guessing the gluten she has is inner head!!!!!!

Question, Chef!
Mussels. Cooked some up last night, first time and a bit chewy.
Butter, onion, garlic 3 min.......... white wine another 3 min............. chopped tomatoes, mussels 6 min med/low heat............ done.
Just cooked too long?????
Sounds like it.
Are we talking live mussels?

If so in a deep pan with a lid, i would soften the onion and garlic in the butter, add wine and reduce, add tomatoes and bring to boil on a high heat.
Add mussels to pan and cover with the lid, cook until they are all opened and discard any that dont.
Reduce sauce again and season if needed and pour over the mussels.
Sounds like it.
Are we talking live mussels?

If so in a deep pan with a lid, i would soften the onion and garlic in the butter, add wine and reduce, add tomatoes and bring to boil on a high heat.
Add mussels to pan and cover with the lid, cook until they are all opened and discard any that dont.
Reduce sauce again and season if needed and pour over the mussels.
Packaged unfortunately! This fish shop usually has them individually but packaged is the norm now days.....
I am suspecting this is the problem. I can eat a bucket full of mussels.

That recipe is precisely what I did!!!!!
Packaged unfortunately! This fish shop usually has them individually but packaged is the norm now days.....
I am suspecting this is the problem. I can eat a bucket full of mussels.

That recipe is precisely what I did!!!!!
No worries Bill.
Then yes cooked too long, just needed to be in the sauce for bare minimum of time to get hot.

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