A new book in my library.

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Totally forgot about this one.... :oops:




Aaron, I have always wondered how those walk around books compare to the in action series. What do you think?

Capt., the Inaction series is just that. You get some history and a few mission stories with photos. The Walk Arounds are a bit more techish and you get a boat load of detail shots. They were put together for the modelers. The B-29 book has shots of the interior through out as well as engines and wheel wells and gear. Hope this helps.
Only a few are new, most are used, bought on Amazon, for £0.01 and up, some are found on the bay with sometimes free shipping...
On occasion you're lucky and get them dirt cheap, like these latest ones, the two Battle of Britain Jagdwaffe were about the same price as when new, free shipping, the other books on the same subject was from £0.01 to not very much more, shipping on Amazon is £2.80 though.
Then you also have The Works (right Terry?), which also have good deals on occasion, so, it's not as much as it looks, seen far too many books at silly prices, thinking......aye right mate, watch me!

Mind you though, I've bought books for pennies, said to be used etc., but when receiving them....they bl**dy look like new!

Always worth looking at ebay, Amazon and other 'old' or second hand book shops.... :D
Just ordered these today.


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Wondered what **** I had bought this morning when it was delivered, weighed like a ton of bricks the blasted thing!
Looking forward to go through the Battle of Britain book, to say the least!

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