A new book in my library. (3 Viewers)

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I went to a used book store today looking for any Squadron in Action books I could find. Did not have any luck at with those but I found these! Have no idea if I have anything that I should ignore please let me know.

The last book claims to have every military aircraft from 1933 to 1945 in it.
Very nice gents!

The last one is a great book, but it is missing a lot of aircraft and for whatever reason excludes coastal patrol bombers.
On my next visit, they had 2 more, one dedicated to Allies and Axis flying boats from 1933 to 1945 and one specifically for Fleet Air Arm only, but including all aircraft launched from vessels, carriers and surface ships.
'Gardening by Moonlight'- Peter Kassak, David Gunby. 205 Group RAF mining operations over the River Danube in 1944. The product of research in British, Australian,South African, German, Hungarian and Slovak archives, 'Gardening by Moonlight' is about one of the least known and most effective of the Royal Air Force's bombing campaigns of the Second World War. Operating from a group of bases around Foggia, in Central Italy, the RAF's 205 Group mined the River Danube intensively between April and October 1944, radically curtailing the movement of Axis river shipping and at times halting it altogether. The Wellington and Liberator crews had to sow their mines (hence the slang term 'gardening') at low level on moonlit nights, running the gauntlet of night fighters, flak and balloon barrages. Their courage, skill and sacrifice are celebrated in what is an important account of a virtually unknown aspect of the war in the air.
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