A new book in my library. (2 Viewers)

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Yeah, who knows Wayne. It's the kind of reverse value that you find with the first issue of Luftwaffe im Focus Vol 1, which can be had at a reasonable cost, while later issues are REDICULOUSLY priced.
Just ordered this one.


Recently purchased this during one of Squadrons "fire" sales, so I didn't pay much for it, but this title really left me lacking. Most pictures, though color, are from restored museum aircraft and goodness knows how they may have differed from operational ships, regardless of the fidelity of the restoration. Picture quality is as good as any museum visitor with a halfway decent digital camera, though with unpresidented access to areas off limits to the unwashed masses. At least one set of duplicate pictures, poor cropping and a blurry picture of the seldom seen crew rest area, thanks for that. Now I'm not a Lancaster nut, but I'm sure there exists better books on the subject, and specifically the details of the breed. I would avoid.

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