A new book in my library.

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Anything on the Fiat G-50 in there Wayne?
I saw this tread today only, so here following the cover pages and a brief comment.

As stated on the cover, Vol.1 cover years 1940-1941
You will find pictures and profiles for the following aeroplanes:
Macchi C 200
Fiat G-50
Breda BA 65
Breda 88
IMAM Ro 44 seaplane and
Stukas used by RA
Last pages explain the camouflage colouring system used until Fall 1941 when a new system was officially introduced.
Volume 2

cover the period between 1941 and 1943 Armistice.
You will still find C-200 and G-50 plus CR-42 in night fighter configuration plus
Macchi C 202
Reggiane 2000
Reggiane 2001
Do 217 and Me 109 in RA service
Reggiane 2002
Macchi C 205
Reggiane 2005
Devoitine D.520 in RA service (captured) and
the first Fiat G-55
Last pages are dedicated to the new camouflage scheme.
I strongly recommend to purchase these two books, if you interested in Regia Aeronautica, but if you just need information on a specific aeroplane, let me know and I will see if it is available.
Thanks Alberto!

Yes the 3 books cover a good range of aircraft and colours depending on what you want..early, mid, late Italian aircraft, if you're right into things Italian then these are the ones to get...

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