A new book in my library.

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I had high hopes for this book and they were not completely dashed, though honestly it would have benefitted from better editing. Duplicate pictures, text over one of the few truly excellent production photos and erroneous photo captions, just to name a few. Not that this book doesn't have its plus side, like the many previously unseen pictures and honestly...can one ever get enough He 177? It just bugs me, because I imagine what this book COULD have been.
A friend of mine called me today at lunch, a friend of his had died and they were having a estate sale. He told me to get down there right away because they were selling his models dirt cheap. Well...........................the models were already assembled so I opted out of those. But he had a small collection of Squadron Aircraft In Action books. So I got 12 of those and two books on model building tricks, and two air compressors for $38.00.


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