A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Great book on an oft overlooked subject. Highly recommended. Can be had for around $30.00 USD if you look. Mine was a gift at $28.00 USD.
Just posted by Don Caldwell over at TOCH:

My new book Day Fighters in Defence of the Reich in the UK now


I haven't seen the book myself yet, but am assured it looks as good as the proofs, which I approved last June. It should be available in Europe now, from the publisher Pen and Sword or the usual on-line sources. The US won't have it until the end of March, from distributor Casemate, on-line sources, or (with any luck) myself.

Here is description of the book taken from the jacket. (This is immodest, I know, but it's quick.)

The book is a detailed, comprehensive daily reference to the air operations flown by the Luftwaffe against the daylight strategic missions by the United States Army Air Force against the German Reich and the western zone occupied by Germany. It is a unique look at the German air defenses as they struggled to cope with the threat posed by the American 8th and 15th Air Forces, which were charged with destroying Germany's critical war industries and wresting control of the air over the Reich from the Luftwaffe. The previous volume in this series, The Luftwaffe over Germany: Defense of the Reich is an award-winning narrative history of these defenses. The new book extends the story in an unprecedented fashion, and includes:

• A brief narrative and a table of statistics detailing every mission of every Luftwaffe unit defending the Greater German Reich or the western occupied zone against strategic raids by the USAAF.

• A summary of every 8th and 15th US Army Air Force strategic mission over this area in which the Luftwaffe was encountered.

• Tables of monthly sorties, losses and victory claims by the USAAF and the Luftwaffe over the Reich and the western occupied zone. The growth of the American juggernaut can be followed in detail, as can the ever more futile struggle by the Reich Defense Force. The data allow valihdity of USAAF and Luftwaffe victory claims to be estimated.

• Quarterly orders of battle and casualties for the Reich Defense Force, broken down by aircraft type. The unsuccessful struggle of the Luftwaffe to keep its fighter units up to strength while introducing superior types and the relative vulnerability of its various fighters can be seen at a glance.

• Maps for 32 major missions showing the tracks of the bombers and every defending Luftwaffe unit, including their points of attack on the bombers.

• 189 photographs of Luftwaffe personalities and aircraft, many previously unpublished.

• 72 combat accounts by Luftwaffe pilots, most previously unpublished and all readily available in English for the first time.

This unique and authoritative book is based on documents in the German, American and British government archives and German pilot logbooks and interviews from the author's extensive collection. Caldwell is well known for his balanced presentations and the clarity of his writing. This book is a must-have for anyone with a serous interest in World War II aviation history.

The book completes the story begun by Caldwell and Dr. Richard Muller in The Luftwaffe over Germany: Defense of the Reich, which won the US Air Force Historical Foundation award for Best Air Power History Book of 2008. Critical praise for this earlier book has been widespread.
Oh man!!! If this is anything like his JG 26 Diary, it'll be very good.

CR, that Sturmstaffel 1 book is pretty good. I have it and love the daily reports and pics.
Pretty happy with this latest addition to the library. The other day I came across this little YouTube clip where Spoden shows how to approach a Lacaster and take it down with Schrage Musik. So, for the sake of it I looked around on zhe Interweb to see what I could find about this man..and turns out he wrote a book about his experiences as a night fighter...to be ordered from the man directly.

As such an autographed copy of this book is en route to moi


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Peter is a really nice man - and the book is great!
Can't wait to start reading it and indeed he seems like a modest and nice guy, still willing (and thank God still able) to talk about his experiences.
Karl and I picked up some bargains at the RAF Museum Cosford yesterday. They have a book re-cycling scheme, with lots of books at extremely low prices.
I got these three, virtually brand new, for a total price of £3.50 !!


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Just got a copy of "Great Battles of World War II" that I ordered a little while back.

It has 240 pages loaded with B&W and color photos, maps and artwork covering all the major battles of both Theaters from 1939 to 1945. It also has a companion DVD.

The book is published by Parragon Books, Ltd., General Editor Dr. Chris Mann, ISBN: 978-1-4454-3965-5

So far it's been a good read

Great book Dave, got a copy last year.
This arrived today, a surprise Birthday present from Max and Barbara - I'm well pleased. Need to get more book shelves now!


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Sweet purchases fellas!

Purchases for the past several weeks:

I've always have been ignorant to the American volunteers during the BoB, The Few was a great read for me.


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