A new book in my library.

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Newest arrivals, pretty shocked on both books. Loads of details and both have a ton of pages. The P-39 book is a 240 page book with tons of pictures. The Pe-2 book has a whopper of 436 pages but not as many pictures. One of the surprises I found in the Pe-2 book is one chapter dedicated to the heroines or woman of the Soviet Union that flew the Pe-2. The P-39 book after a quick browse also had a surprise showing pictures of trials with out of control spin parachute and also many pictures of the two seat P-39's. Both look to great books and a great addition to my library.

Found a copy of Consolidated Mess from a used bookseller for a decent price considering the secondary market. They list all their books as good condition but this is definitely VG+ with no markings. The B-24 is my favorite aircraft so now I have one of the best books about them.


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The Bell book is pretty decent.

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