A new book in my library. (3 Viewers)

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How is the South Pacific Air War series?

I downloaded the sample pages from the editor web but they didn't have to much quality and the aircraft profiles and 3D renders look very pixelated

The SWPA series is a must have if you have any interest in this theatre, the series is well written and researched, highly recommended.
I got an early Christmas present from my parents. Interesting book published by Mushroom Books. 352 pages on the Winter war between the Soviet Union and Finland. It has about 350 photos and shows the Units used by the Soviet Union for the attack. I scanned a couple of pages so show you what's in the book.

Reading a few Auschwitz survivor stories at moment. Recently bought :-

The Tattooist of Auschwitz - Heather Morris (Zaffre).
Cilka's Journey - Heather Morris (Zaffre).
Stories of Hope - Heather Morris (Manilla Press).
The Choice - Edith Eger (Rider)
The Twins of Auschwitz - Eva Mozes Kor, with Lisa Rojany Buccieri (Monoray).
The Sisters of Auschwitz - Roxane Van Iperen (Seven Dials).
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That might be a useful scenario generator for the re-release of ATO's Buffalo Wings, Tactical Air Combat over Finland. My copy is supposed to be shipping by the end of the month.

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